Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Breast Cancer Cancer And Cancer - 1962 Words

The color pink, ribbons, 5k runs, mammograms, and the month of October all have one thing in common: breast cancer awareness. Breast cancer begins when a tumor is formed in the tissues of the breasts. â€Å"A malignant tumor is a group of cancer cells that grow in the breast, for example, or surrounding tissues and spreads to distant areas of the body† (American Cancer Society, 2014). The tumor travels to surrounding tissues by blood cells. Breast cancer is more likely to develop in women than men. Depending on the individual, some signs and symptoms can be seen while others may not show any signs and symptoms. Individuals should be aware of certain precautions to reduce the chance of developing the disease. Radiologic sciences and advancement in technology makes early detection and treatment possible for individuals that become diagnosed with breast cancer. Risk Factors Being a woman is the number one risk of breast cancer. â€Å"There are about 190,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer and 60,000 cases of non-invasive breast cancer this year in American women. While men do develop breast cancer, less than 1% of all new breast cancer cases happen in men. Approximately 2,000 cases of breast cancer will be diagnosed in American men this year† (Being a Woman, 2015). Women tend to get breast cancer more often than men because of hormonal factors and the maturing of the breast. Age is the second leading risk factor. As individuals age, the risk to become diagnosed with breast cancerShow MoreRelatedBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words   |  6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatment or surgeries canRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1346 Words   |  6 Pagesinternational symbol for breast cancer support and awareness. Breast cancer knows neither racial boundaries nor age restrictions. Females of all ages and ethnicities can develop breast cancer and it is the leading most common cancer among women. Calling attention to this often fatal disease is important by supporting its victims, families and friends of victims, as well as raising funds for breast cancer research. Though males are not immune from developing a breast cancer, for the purposes of thisRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1711 Words   |  7 Pagesacknowledge the health beings of a women is quite scary knowing that in about 1 in 8 women in the U.S will develop breast cancer. By this year of 2016 going into 2017 there will approximately be 246,660 cases found. The 20th century is described to be the cancer century. One main cancer I wanted to talk about that has my full attention was breast cancer. The important ways of looking at breast cancer as a tremendous problem is because we are losing our women to this disease. Categorizing the main issues toRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words   |  4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1530 Words   |  7 Pagesâ€Å"Cancer† is the name for a group of diseases that start in the body at the cellular level. Even though there are many different kinds of cancer, they all begin with abnormal cell growth with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. These abnormal cells lump together to form a mass of tissue or â€Å"malignant tumor†. Malignant means that it can spread to other parts of the body or Metastasize . If the breast is the original location of the cancer gr owth or malignant tumor, the tumorRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer981 Words   |  4 PagesThe Grand Rounds Research Project: Breast Cancer To hear you have breast cancer can be a very shocking thing. â€Å"Besides skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among women in America as of 2015† (breastcancer,2015). First step is to know what you are dealing with when your doctor believes you have cancer, you will want to know what cancer is and how your doctor can detect it. Next your doctor will go over different stages of breast cancer that will help come to a conclusionRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1741 Words   |  7 Pages Internationally, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the leading cause of cancer related death amongst women. (CITE) Each year an estimated 1.7 million new cases are diagnosed worldwide, and more than 500,000 women will die of the disease. (CITE) According to (CITE), somewhere in the world one woman is diagnosed with breast cancer every 19 seconds and more than three women die of breast cancer every five minutes worldwide. (CITE) Breast cancer is a heterogeneous condition thatRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1714 Words   |  7 PagesBreast Cancer The twentieth century has often been called and known as the cancer century. The reason being is that throughout the century, there have been more than a hundred types of cancer discovered across the world. In addition to the discovery of these many cancers, there has been an enormous medical effort to fight all kinds of cancer across the world. In the early decades of the century, cancer was considered to be a fatal disease, resulting in a high number of deaths. Although manyRead MoreBreast Cancer : The Cancer Essay1722 Words   |  7 Pagesacknowledge the health beings of a women is quite scary knowing that in about 1 in 8 women in the U.S will develop breast cancer. By this year of 2016 going into 2017 there will approximately be 246,660 cases found. The 20th century is described to be the cancer century. One main cancer I wanted to talk about that has my full attention was breast cancer. The important ways of looking at breast cancer as a tremendous problem is because we are losing our women to this disease. Categorizing the main issues toRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer1372 Words   |  6 PagesBreast Cancer Disease Overview Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and multiply uncontrollably to form a tumor. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. (Only skin cancer is more common.) About one in eight women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer in her lifetime. Researchers estimate that more than 230,000 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in U.S. women in 2015. Cancers occur when a

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The boundary between normal and pathological Free Essays

The boundary between normal and pathological aging is difficult to define because cognition is not homogenous in the elderly. Moreover, there is also a large heterogeneity in the performance within different domains of cognition and even within the subsystems of one specific domain, for example, memory. However, some general factors have been identified in normal cerebral aging, which might be important mediators between age and cognition. We will write a custom essay sample on The boundary between normal and pathological or any similar topic only for you Order Now There is a decrease in the capacity of working memory and information-processing speed as well as problems in the inhibition of nonrelevant information (Van der Linden et al., 1999). Thus, most elderly persons will exhibit mild difficulties in acquiring new information that do not have any repercussions on everyday activities. Behavioral medicine research over the past several years has identified a number of characteristics that affect the development and course of cognitive impairment and coronary disease in elderly. Included among these psychosocial risk factors are hostility, depression, social isolation, high job strain, and low socioeconomic status. The specific mechanisms whereby these factors influence the pathogenesis and prognosis of major causes of death such as coronary heart disease (CHD), but considerable research points to accompanying health behaviors (smoking, dietary habits, and alcohol consumption) and biological characteristics (altered functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) as likely mediators. Finally, research evaluating interventions targeting psychosocial risk factors in groups of patients with CHD and cognitive impairment offer considerable promise that secondary prevention will be shown to have an important place in the treatment and rehabilitation of these aging diseases. The purpose of this work is to review specifically cognitive impairment and coronary disease in elderly and call attention to the important but often overlooked a correlation in cognitive impairment and coronary heart disease in elderly. Physical and psychological risk factors will be studied in relation to the development of coronary heart disease and cognitive impairment. This research, in which information regarding life events prior to sudden cardiac death was obtained, reveals that there is a reverse process where coronary heart disease can lead an individual to cognitive impairment. Research on what can be done about the modifiable risk factors in order to prevent or at least minimize the chances of getting cognitive impairment and coronary heart disease receives detailed consideration in the work. How to cite The boundary between normal and pathological, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Ethico Legal Issue of ATIF Bachelor Nursing †MyAssignmenthelp.com

Question: Discuss about the Ethico Legal Issue ATIF Bachelor Nursing. Answer: Introduction The paper deals with the case study involving an ethico-legal issue. After a clinical placement of student nurse under a RN in busy urban hospital she was instructed to administer a patient with the insulin injection. The RN instructs the undergraduate nurse to recap the needle However; the nurse has been taught by her tutor to dispose the needle after use and is also recommended in the Australian governments website to never recap the needle as it can cause needle stick injury. Obliged by the RNs instruction, the nurse tries to cap the needle but accidently punctures the skin on the left thumb. Further, the RN instructs for blood test f the patient to see any contraction of rare disease due to this imbecile. In response to the case study the paper discusses the key ethical concepts, ethico-legalcomplexities inherent in the situation and the implications. Further, the paper discuses the importance of ethical awareness and self reflection in nursing. Key concepts of ethical practice The key concepts of ethical practice in Australia are based on ethics and morality. Ethical practice is underpinned by the Consequentiality and Deontological moral theories. The former theory emphasise on actions that are morally correct and leads to positive outcomes of all the people involved in it (O'Gorman et al. 2013). However, in this situation, the action of RN did not lead to positive outcomes. These theories aligns with the concept of utilitarianism, which is to obtain the greatest good for the greatest number. It means that no action can be intrinsically wrong or right and depend on the produced outcomes. In this case, depending on the outcome of infection that caused by accident, recapping the needle was not intrinsically right act (Johnstone 2015.). The Deontological theory opposes the Consequentiality theory, which emphasise on the moral duties irrespective of the consequences. For instance, patient may take end of life care decision that may involve denial of end of life care. However, the physician may not want to kill the person owing to the moral principles guided by the religious texts like Bible. This forms the basis of the duty. However, in this case, the RN does not fear the consequences as she instructed the nurse to recap the needle. This act does not demonstrate morality as it caused harmful consequences (Sellman 2017). In addition to these single principle theories, the four principles that guide the ethical practice are beneficence; autonomy; non-maleficence; and justice. The principle of beneficence seems to be applicable in this situation. This principles guides health care professionals to take actions that are intended to benefit other people by weighing the benefit against the risks (Coombs Grech 2016). However, in this case the RN did not weigh the consequences of her strict rule that lead to injury of the undergraduate nurse. Similarly the RN breached the ethical principle of non-maleficence which emphasise on do not kill and do not cause pain. In the given case, the RN has caused pain to the undergraduate nurse. Similarly, in this case the RN has violated the ethical principle of non-maleficence, which is an obligation to avoid harming or injuring others (Heale Shorten 2017). Thus, the case study shows that the RN is lacking the ethical awareness. Ethico-legalcomplexities inherent in the situation The legal complexities may involve lawsuit against the RN for not adhering to the ethical principles andnursing protocol. Under the civic law, the, the RN can be asked for compensation in the form of money for doing wrong. This course of action will have positive implications in the future, which is avoiding negligence by me as well as by my seniors. This case may be registered under civil law, as it is not a criminal case. Under the civic law, the Tort law is most applicable in this case as it is between two individuals. Tort law helps to sort the dissolute between the individuals and the group (Ferrara et al. 2016). The Torts law is commonly applied in this case as the outcome of injury to the nurse has emerged from the breach of duties of care. The act of RN can be categorised in to negligence (where her neighbour nurse is harmed) and foreseebility (RN fails to forsee harm. The basis of the claim of negligence is that the RN fell short of the standard of care in the given situatio n (Ferrara et al. 2016). This claim will help me go back to the situation, if the damage would not have occurred. The fundamental implication of the duty of care and standard of care is that the health professionals must be highly competent in fulfilling their professional obligations. Criminal laws are applicable of the actions of health care professional leads to death of the patient. I feel it is not applicable here (Coombs Grech 2016). The other ethico-legal issues arising in this case are verbal, written or implied consent. Nurses must take valid consent to medical treatment and it may voluntarily be given or given with sufficient information in relation to treatment (McLeod-Sordjan 2014). In this case RN may give implied contract that she will carry the task with due care and skill to avoid lawsuit against negligence. Further, the RN must oblige with the administrative law, which is the responsibility of the The Council of Australian Governments that established the National Regulatory Authority. Under this authority the nurses are registered against the same national professional standards. The RN must not breach the code of ethics under Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. The board has revised standards that implies recency of practice, continuing professional development and other professional indemnity insurance arrangements which applies for both RN and me (Inggs Christensen 2015). The RN and the new nurses must be familiar with these guidelines and the implications of these actions involve avoiding professional misconduct and subsequent disciplinary proceedings. Breaching the code of ethics has serious implications as the nurses will be responsible for misdiagnosis, deaths and medical errors. The negative implications of the code of ethics are the unfulfilment of requirements of the professional organisation (Ferrara et al. 2016). It also includes damage of interpersonal relationship with clients and others staff, just as it happened in my case. I felt no harmonious relationship with my RN. Nurses should build virtuous character to make clinical decision with impartiality and obligation. I will be compassionate, empathetic, kind, honest, and have integrity. Such ethics of care if violated leads to criminal and civil law suits, breach of standard of care and professional code and competency standard (Hickey Harrison 2013). Ethical awareness For the nurses professional competency, ethical sensitivity is an essential component that measures their ethical performance and interpersonal relationships. According to Milliken and Grace (2015) nurses face ethical dilemmas in their everyday practice and therefore, ethical awareness is important for the ethical decision-making. This ethical awareness is important for ensuring patient safety by recognizing the wishes and unique interests of individuals in accordance with the ethical line of care. Understanding of ethical role and awareness is an obligation basednursing practice outlined by reasoning and practice recommendations vital for nursing education and practice. Inadequate ethical awareness and interpretation can lead to wrong interpretation of respect for autonomy and violation of individual rights. According to Rahmani, Ghahramanian and Alahbakhshian (2010) misunderstandings regarding patients rights where nurses have to respect their rights and provide adequate information so that they make decisions on their own. The ethical principle of non-maleficence states that nurses have the responsibility to do well and avoid intentional wrong acts. In the given case study, the RN lacked ethical awareness, violated the principle of non-maleficence, and as a result I harmed myself. She was not aware of the fact that injection should not be re-capped after use rather to be disposed into a designated sharp container. RN intentionally made me panic and accidently the needle got injected. This was case of violation of non-maleficence where there was intentional harm and might result in transfer of serious blood-borne diseases in my body from the patien t. Therefore, nurses should develop knowledge and ethical awareness and promote them to understand ethical values and provide high quality and safe ethical care. Importance of self-reflection in nursing Apart from ethical awareness, self-reflection is also important for informing nursing practice and relationships with others. Various models of self-reflection enhance nursing practice through self-conversation, ones behaviour and ones self that acquire meaning. This reflective thinking on nursing practice would me to accept individual experiences and be connected while questioning about their feelings, thoughts and preconceptions about their nursing practice. John Driscoll Model of self-reflection is a significant model that helps nurses to attain knowledge and gain understanding that reflect on their experiences whether negative or positive allowing scope for self-criticism. According to Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), practicing self-reflection allow nurses to explore through their experiences and provide scope for development to provide high quality of care. Moreover, self-reflection in nursing practice also helps to examine relationships with other members of the healthcare team and to understand their contribution to the team (Bulman, Lathlean Gobbi 2012). Through the Driscoll model of reflection, I will help to analyze the given situation through what, so what and now what steps. The incident took place when I started my PEP in a busy urban hospital. During the placement, RN instructed me to inject insulin. After the needle injection, as I was about to dispose the needle to the nearest sharp container, RN instructed me to re-cap it. I refused and finally she screamed at me to re-cap it. I was very distressed and in panic, I punctured my left thumb. Then, RN looked at the patient and said that now they have to take patient sample to look for rare diseases this imbecile may have contracted. The incident made me realize that there was lack of ethical awareness in the incident. The RN violated the ethical principle of non-maleficence and that resulted in injection of the needle on my left thumb. Firstly, I was bit nervous, as RN was critical if things are not done in correct manner. After refusal, she screamed and ou of panic, I injected myself. There is lack of ethical awareness in RN as she intentionally made me harm myself even after knowing that re-capping should not be done after injection. Therefore, ethical awareness is required in the nursing practice. This experience made me realize that ethical awareness and assertive skills is important in nursing practice. I have to develop my assertive skills to stand for my own as well as for the patients to ensure safety and high quality of care without being aggressive or accepting wrong. Moreover, I will create awareness among my colleagues regarding ethical principles and its application in nursing practice. Conclusion The case study was useful in learning ethico-legal issues in nursing and the implications of the various actions that can be taken against the breach of code of ethics. This assignment provides deep insights into the significance of the duty of care, and other key concepts of the ethical practice. References Bulman, C., Lathlean, J. Gobbi, M., 2012. The concept of reflection in nursing: Qualitative findings on student and teacher perspectives.Nurse education today,vol. 32, no.5, pp.e8-e13.. Coombs, M. Grech, C., 2016. Ethical issues in critical care.ACCCN's Critical Care Nursing, p.106. Ferrara, S.D., Baccino, E., Boscolo-Berto, R., Comand, G., Domenici, R., Hernndez-Cueto, C., Gulmen, M.K., Mendelson, G., Montisci, M., Norelli, G.A. Pinchi, V., 2016. International Guidelines on the Methods of Ascertainment of Personal Injury and Damage Under Civil-Tort Law. InPersonal Injury and Damage Ascertainment under Civil Law(pp. 583-602). Springer International Publishing. Heale, R. Shorten, A., 2017. Ethical context of nursing research.Evidence-based nursing,vol. 20, no.1, pp.7-7. Hickey, N. Harrison, L., 2013. The latest edition of the Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing (ajan. com. au) has published an interesting.LAMP. Inggs, R. Christensen, M., 2015. To feed or not to feed: Using an ethical decision making model to support patient choice.Singapore Nursing Journal,vol. 42, no.3, pp.17-21. Johnstone, M.J., 2015.Bioethics: a nursing perspective. Elsevier Health Sciences. McLeod-Sordjan, R., 2014. Evaluating moral reasoning in nursing education.Nursing ethics,vol. 21, no.4, pp.473-483. Milliken, A. Grace, P., 2015. Nurse ethical awareness: Understanding the nature of everyday practice.Nursing ethics, p.0969733015615172. O'Gorman, C.S., Macken, A.P., Cullen, W., Dunne, C. Higgins, M.F., 2013. What is the difference between deontological and consequentialist theories of medical ethics?. Rahmani, A., Ghahramanian, A. Alahbakhshian, A., 2010. Respecting to patients autonomy in viewpoint of nurses and patients in medical-surgical wards.Iranian journal of nursing and midwifery research,vol. 15, no.1, p.14. Sellman, D. 2017. Virtue Ethics and Nursing Practice. InKey Concepts and Issues in Nursing Ethics(pp. 43-54). Springer International Publishing.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Oregon V Elstad Essays - Miranda Warning, Fellers V. United States

Oregon V Elstad OREGON v ELSTAD 470 U.S. 298, 105 S. Ct. 1285, 84 L.Ed. 2d 222 (1985) MERITS: Officers Burke and McAllister of the Polk County, Oregon Sheriff's office, on the basis of a witness' statement, obtained an arrest warrant for Michael Elstad, who was suspected of burglary. The officers went to Elstad's home and were escorted to his room by his mother. After instructing the respondent to dress and accompany them to the living room, Officer McAllister took Elstad's mother into the kitchen while Officer Burke stayed with the respondent. Without advising Elstad of his Miranda rights, Officer Burke asked him whether he was aware of the officer's reason for wanting to talk with him, and whether he knew Mr. and Mrs. Gross (the victims). Elstad stated that he knew the Grosses, and that he'd heard they'd been burglarized. Burke replied that he thought Elstad was involved in the burglary, and the respondent admitted, Yes, I was there. He was then taken to the Sheriff's office and was subsequently advised of his Miranda rights. Elstad stated that he understood his rights and that he would give a statement, which he did in detail. His confession was read back to him and read by him. Elstad initialed and signed the statement and also added a sentence (After leaving the house Robby and I went back to [the] van and Robby handed me a small bag of grass) to it. Elstad maintained that at no time did the officers make threats or promises to him. He was charged with first degree burglary and opted against a jury trial. Defense immediately moved to suppress both Elstad's initial verbal statement and the signed confession, contending that the initial statement he made at his house to Officer Burke let the cat out of the bag, causing his ensuing written confession to be tainted as fruit of the poisonous tree. The judge excluded the initial statement due to Elstad's not having been informed of his Miranda rights prior to that statement. Elstad's written confession was not excluded, as the judge did not agree that it was in any way tainted. Elstad was found guilty of first-degree burglary. APPELLATE: Oregon State Court of Appeals: Conviction reversed. The State contended that although the initial statement made by the respondent (prior to having been advised of his rights) should be inadmissible, his written confession should be allowed. The Court of Appeals, however, saw both statements as inadmissible, as there was little time between the two statements, and that was not enough time to insulate the latter statement from the effect of what went before ? the cat was sufficiently out of the bag to exert a coercive impact on [respondent's] later admissions. The Oregon Supreme Court declined the State's petition for review. The State then petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court, and certiorari was granted. ISSUE: The question in this case was whether the Self-Incrimination Clause of the Fifth Amendment requires that a confession made by a defendant, after having been advised of his Miranda rights and having waived those rights, should be excluded because of another admission made to officers by that defendant before he had been advised of his rights. ARGUMENT: Reasoning: The Court cited the following cases to illustrate and establish precedence for its reasoning: Wong Sun v. United States: Where it was established that evidence and witnesses discovered as the result of search in violation of the Fourth Amendment is considered fruit of the poisonous tree, and must be excluded. The fruit doctrine also applies to confessions. However, Wong Sun also illustrates that precise and proper advisement of Miranda rights serves to cure the condition that rendered the unwarned statement inadmissible: The warning conveys the relevant information and thereafter the suspect's choice whether to exercise his privilege to remain silent should ordinarily be viewed as an act of free will. (371 U.S. at 486) Brown v Illinois: Illustrates that a procedural Miranda violation differs from Fourth Amendment violation, as the purpose of the Fourth Amendment exclusionary rule is to curb unreasonable search. Harris v New York: The Harris Court rejected the premise that a defendant's inadmissible confession entitles that defendant to ?deny every fact disclosed or discovered as 'fruit' of his confession, free from confrontation with his prior statements. (401

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Classic vs. Classical

Classic vs. Classical Classic vs. Classical Classic vs. Classical By Mark Nichol What’s the difference between classic and classical? Both words, befitting their roots in the word class, refer to quality, but the meanings are distinct. Classic and classical, both first attested around the turn of the seventeenth century, derive from the French term classique, a descendant of the Latin word classicus, which (in turn stemming from classis) denoted the first rank of Roman citizens. Classic means â€Å"of recognized value,† or â€Å"enduring† or â€Å"traditional†; the sense is of something that represents a standard of excellence or has a timeless quality. It may also be used to refer to something authentic or typical; in the latter sense, it is sometimes used colloquially to refer to a memorable incident or quote- often an unfortunate one (â€Å"Remember when Joe stumbled into John and Mary’s wedding cake? That was classic!†). Alternatively, it may apply to something of historical or literary significance (as in reference to a classic rivalry between two historical figures). As a noun, it denotes a traditional event or something with a longstanding reputation of high quality. As such, it is often applied to sports events such as the CBS Sports Classic, an annual college-basketball extravaganza. In plural form, it refers to the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture, language, and literature; note that this term is not capitalized. Classical also means â€Å"traditional,† but the sense is more of something authoritative rather than authentic: A scholar of the classics is a classical scholar, not a classic scholar, and a liberal arts curriculum (presumably) results in a classical education, not a classic education. (Likewise, a reference to Greek or Roman civilization in its heyday will describe the place as â€Å"classical Greece† or â€Å"classical Rome.†) The word’s perhaps most frequent application is in the phrase â€Å"classical music,† which refers to compositions for symphonies or chamber-music ensembles in a European-based tradition as distinct from more vernacular forms such as folk music or jazz. One functional distinction between the two words is that although classic can be a noun or an adjective, classical is never used as a noun. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Fly, Flew, (has) FlownFlied?On Behalf Of vs. In Behalf OfOppose and Opposed To

Friday, November 22, 2019

Brighton Rock Essay Research Paper Brighton Rock

Brighton Rock Essay, Research Paper Brighton Rock # 8211 ; Graham Greene Brighton Rock is a spiritual narrative which begins as a conflict between good ( Ida Arnold ) and evil ( Pinkie ) . This conflict takes topographic point in a resort country South of London called Brighton. Brighton contains all sorts of eating houses, amusements, slums, and higher category countries. One illustration of these slums is Nelson Place ; where Pinkie and his later on to be married woman Rose are from. Nelson Place in my sentiment is what influences Little finger to go a adult male of evil through his tragic young person. Where Little finger grows up under the influence of two atrocious parents, a destitute vicinity, and as a child who is willing to make anything for a better life. Another atrocious influence on Little finger is Mr. Colleoni ; a adult male with a concern imperium, control of his ain powerful rabble every bit good as the constabulary and other governmental governments, and stores in Brighton. This adult male has all that Pinkie wants, and this brings Pinkie to a life of offense and changeless person wickedness. Pinkie has in my sentiment been misguided by Mr. Colleoni # 8217 ; s imperium, and that is why he is merely an evil male child who thinks that holding a life style like Mr. Colleoni will convey him happiness. Pinkie is besides unsighted to the felicity that the descent people like Rose and Ida have because of his ill-conceived life. Pinkie # 8217 ; s evil desire is what causes him to make whatever it takes to acquire this life manner. As shown by his uncontrolled violent death of people such as Hale, and Spicer. Ida Arnold, a individual who thinks of herself as an retaliator every bit good as a savior for the people affected by Pinkie # 8217 ; s evil now comes in to the narrative. Although Ida does non hold complete religion in God ; she has a good bosom. This is why she feels the demand to declare her semi-covert conflict against Pinkie non merely to revenge Hales # 8217 ; slaying, but to deliver all the people who have non yet been affected like Hale, and Spicer from Pinkie # 8217 ; s desire. I besides feel that Ida must hold had a better life as a young person in comparing to Pinkie and that is why there appears to be no understanding from Ida towards Pinkie. Ida besides seems to endure from a sort of sarcasm though ; because when she might have unwittingly been able to salvage Hales life by non go forthing him she went to # 8220 ; wash up and repair her face. # 8221 ; When she came back though he was gone and she neer saw him once more until the funeral. Later in the narrative this sarcasm represents itself agin when she was about to happen out critical informat ion from Cubitt affecting Hales slaying, yet she once more went to # 8220 ; wash up and repair her face, # 8221 ; and when she came back from the bathroom in the Cosmopolitan Cubitt was gone. During this conflict between Ida and Pinkie ( Good and Evil ) Rose a individual who appears to be a alone, guiltless, individual of religion is used as a shield by Pinkie. Rise is such a alone individual that she merely appears to be deceived by Little finger when he gets her to get married him so she can # 8217 ; t be used as a informant against him in tribunal. Yet later on we find out that she wasn # 8217 ; t that guiltless when she reveals to Pinkie in their flat that she new of his atrocious Acts of the Apostless, but married anyhow because she was so lonely, and merely wanted to be loved ( since she excessively came from a broken place like Little finger ) . Rose wants to be loved and hold some type of comrade so severely that she momently turns her back to her religion in God. Now she repeatedly tells Pinkie that he has acquired her religion when she discusses # 8220 ; being damned together. # 8221 ; Rose seems to believe in her religion to Pinkie now, merely as he besides seems to when he repeats invariably after run intoing her that # 8220 ; Rose completes me. # 8221 ; However Roses # 8217 ; religion is tested over and over by Ida who continuously antagonizes Rose about her immorality hubby. Roses # 8217 ; religion to her hubby Pinkie is on a regular basis tested by none other than her ain hubby when he shows that he doesn # 8217 ; t even experience love for by avoiding physical contact ( such as snoging her ) for every bit long as he can. Even the 3rd individual storyteller reveals to the reader at times that Pinkie does non love Rose by uncovering his inner ideas when he is near her. By the terminal of the narrative we can see that Roses # 8217 ; faith in Pinkie is eventually broken when he goes to far and asks her to perpetrate self-destruction. Rise a sort hearted adult female who may hold been able to disregard, or forgive the maltreatment she had received from Little finger, but this clip he went to far. What he asked her to make was perfectly inexcusable, and proved to her every bit good as the reader that he didn # 8217 ; t love her, and had merely been utilizing her all this clip. Therefore it truly wasn # 8217 ; t good that won over immorality, but religion that won over treachery. I say this because it wasn # 8217 ; t Ida who saved Rose from Pinkie ; but Ida saved herself from Little finger when she threw the gun off. Now Rose has besides turned around her once damned life by eventually traveling to confession in an effort to non merely accommodate with God about her error but besides with her ain scruples.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Strategy management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Strategy management - Essay Example The company is leading independent oil company in Africa and they have increased the penetration of their operation in the continent by exploring new oil basins in Ghana. Average daily production capacity of the group is 78,300 barrels of oil. Production capacity of Tullow Oil plc has increased by 35% over the last one year while at the same time the company has achieved a profit after tax of $689 million in the year 2011 (Tullow Oil plc, 2013). Industry experts have pointed out that completion of $2.9 billion farm down in Uganda has helped Tullow Oil plc to achieve financial flexibility and inorganic growth. Industry Analysis The study will try to analyze the oil and gas sector of UK in order to analyze the business environment in which Tullow Oil plc is operating. Tullow group is basically a British firm hence it will be feasible to analyze the oil and gas industry dynamics of UK. ... large players who have achieved high degree of vertical integration in the field of oil exploration, oil refining, crude oil production, transportation and marketing. Buyer- seller relationship in the oil and gas industry of the country is flexible because a seller can act as buyer in particular stage of the transaction. There is a complex buyer seller relationship which decreases the buyer power significantly. There are two types of buyers such as individual buyer and institutional buyer in the oil and gas industry of UK. Generally institutional buyers such as chemical companies and independent retailers make large purchases from oil and gas companies hence loosing such a client would impact negatively on the revenue of big companies. Presence of buyers who make large purchases has forced oil and gas companies to customize product offering. Price of undifferentiated product portfolio such as crude oil and gas is dependent on the supply and demand equation created by mercantile excha nge of London, New York and Dubai, which has further decreased the buyer power. Overall the buyer power is assessed as moderate. Supplier Power Companies like Smith International, Schlumberger, Baker Hughes and Halliburton are major suppliers for large oil and gas companies in United Kingdom. Generally oil companies need technical supports such as polycrystalline diamond compact bits, measurement while drilling from suppliers in order to continue the operation (Market Line, 2012b). Supplier power is also dependent on demand and supply equation of the industry hence overall supplier power is assessed as moderate. New Entrants It is very difficult to analyze the threat of new entrant in the industry because there is a possibility that a company can work in one or more section of the value

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

External and internal pressures Ukrainian art and culture Essay

External and internal pressures Ukrainian art and culture - Essay Example Whatever gains, however, that Ukrainian arts and culture had during that era soon became ineffective when Stalinization and â€Å"russification† was imposed on non-Russian cultures. This implied a suppression of non-Russian culture and the imposition of Russian culture as a guideline for all artistic and cultural activities. With the death of Stalin in 1953 and the subsequent de-Stalinization of Russian policies during the reign of Nikita Khrushchev in the late 1950s, Ukrainian art became free once again. A historical look at Ukrainian art reveals that despite the influences, forced or otherwise, there exists distinct Ukrainian elements that characterize and separate Ukrainian art from other foreign arts and culture. Ukrainian architecture began to take a distinctive shape in the pre-Christian era. Early Ukrainian structures were made of wood. In the 9th to 10th centuries churches, fortifications and even palaces were made of wood (see Fig. 1). Pieces of timber were horizontal ly placed on top of another to form structures and this tradition of construction was continued even up to the 20th century (My Ukraine). When Ukraine embraced Christianity in the 16th century, churches were built in Byzantine style but adopted the traditional and local Ukrainian methods which can be characterized by â€Å"large central nave with almost square plans and a high framework, windows were situated high above the ground, and the buildings were covered with a vault, hipped roof or cupola,† a roofing type in which is conical in shape and sloping and made of wood, brick or stone. These churches can also be characterized by the placement of the altar, which were located on the east with the door in the west or south.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

What automation does Essay Example for Free

What automation does Essay Office automation is one of the most important step towards the development of a better operations environment (Endrijjonas, 2005). Automation is considered a sure way to the development of a better operational environment and is often associated with increased productivity. Automating an office alone is not enough in ensuring this as the human aspect and contribution in automation is considerable. It is necessary for humans to intervene in any automated process as machines are created by man and are therefore bound to err. Moreover, the implementation of an automated office environment largely depends on the instruction streams that the system has been programmed with and is thus heavily dependent on the nature of the organizations operations. Automation is seen as a means to ease the work load. The office environment is one of the most tedious environment one can be in. The number of processes required for the functioning of an office make it difficult to implement a manual system. Therefore, an automated system does the same work in an environment that provide multiple functionality and at a speed that no ordinary man can ever achieve. Thus, the workload is managed more efficiently as the accuracy associated with the use of machines is higher than that of a manual system. Moreover, machines are seen as a means to the elimination of repetitive processes, and therefore the available human resource is used optimally. The overall result of the implementation of an automated system is efficiency in the operations process, which lead to optimal performance and thus increased performance which is seen in high throughput. One of the most misunderstood aspect of office automation is that the creation of a new system or tool is mandatory. This is a fallacy as there are instances where a wise selection of the available tools is all that is needed. Moreover, automation may imply the development and improvement of the existing system tools. Advantages Of Building There are several pros associated with building office automation software from scratch. The nature of the organization plays an important part in the determination of the advantage that the organization will accrue as a result of such a decision. Building is defined as coming up with a new system from scratch or from the system that is currently in place. Therefore, building is an initiative that will take place in the organization for a considerable time period and should therefore be monitored well within the organizational context. Economic One of the major consideration that an organization has to make in consideration of the development path in coming up with an automated Helpdesk support system is economic growth (Endrijjonas, 2005). The main aim of any business is making profits so as to engage in developmental and diversification agenda. The economic benefits accrued by the implementation of a system is thus a major consideration in deciding whether to choose or buy. When an organization builds a help desk support system, the organization from the first day of implementation becomes the owner of the system. Therefore, its asset base increases and so does the stability. This trend continues and any additional features added to the system will not only improve the efficiency of the system but also ensure that the organization grows. Therefore, the approach ensures that the organization grows at a level that is sustainable in consideration of its resource base. Furthermore, the need for additional funding, expertise and support from outside sources is eliminated or reduced by building. The needs of organizations may change, and they often do considerably. An important consideration in ensuring the growth of an organization is the effective address of their needs as at the time of occurrence (Grabbe, 2007). Industry and market trends are not the easiest aspect of business to predict as they are influenced by factors that are beyond the control of man. As a result the nature of an organizations need for automation is quite dynamic. A problem of this nature definitely requires a solution that befits, building an automated Helpdesk support system goes in line with dynamism. Building ensures that the system meets its objectives. Learning and development of technical staff is a consideration in development; the IT staff in developing the system get first hand knowledge and experience in developing and thus gain skills which will lead to better delivery by the automated system. Change is an aspect that is not easily accepted not only by humans but also by particles. According to Newton resisting change is normal for any particle, the psychological effect of change causes a general resistance (Kenyon, 2001). Therefore, organizations are often advised to implement changes in a gradual manner so as to ensure that all members of the organization are in line with the changes and thus uniform growth is experienced. Implementing an automated system is a change process and any organization should treat it one. Building an automation software goes in line with this and is thus appropriate is therefore appropriate. This is a very important consideration as the effect of a poorly managed change process on the economic stability of an organization is far much worse and often offsets the benefits and is a situation that any organization should go at any length to avoid. Cultural Organizational culture is cultivated for a number of years. Changing the culture as a means to development takes a number of years (Endrijjonas, 2005). Failure to incorporate the correlation of a strategy to corporate culture and the effect they have on each other is a source of failure of many project. Automation of office Helpdesk services is no exception and therefore all organizations must adopt a positive attitude towards the development of a culture friendly approach.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advancements in Computers in the Last Ten Years :: Essays Papers

Advancements in Computers in the Last Ten Years Computers date back all the way to 300B.C. with the invention of the abacus. This was a calculating devise to do math and it made the people of that time lives a lot easier. That is what the computers of today do but so much more. I will start at the basics of computers while trying not to boar you. The first real computer that actually made calculations was the ENIAC that was made by the government in 1943. It costed $500,000, weighed over 30 tons, had 19,000 vacuum tubes, and consumed almost 200 kilowatts of electricity (computer chronicles 8). Now we have advanced to laptops that are one inch thick and 15 inches wide and can do a lot more than the ENIAC could. There have been thousands of advancements and new technology in computers in the last ten years but I am only going to skim the tip of the iceberg. In 1990, there were tons of new computers and new software but the big issues were the new processors that were super fast for their time. They could go at speeds up to 33mhz, which is how fast your computer brings things up on the screen. In 1991 Microsoft come out with a version 5.0 MS-DOS mode which gave computers more space to run their programs. Also in 1991, Intel introduced a 50mhz microprocessor, which kill its other 33mhz processor of last year. Then a few months later MIPS Technologies come out with a 100mhz processor which started to make the processor group of the computer a very competitive area to come up with new technology for. In addition Hewlett-Packard Co. made the very first color scanner that could scan whatever you wanted and put it into your hard drive. 1991 was a big year for new technology in computers but that’s not all. Pixar began to work with Walt Disney Company to make a film that was completely computer animated and eventually come up with the movie toy story. In 1992 there were three major changes in computers and the technology. First Microsoft stock reached a record high for a computer stock ever and peaked at $113 a share that year. Next Microsoft shipped its 3.1 version of window and it is a big hit and was the most abundant program on the earth.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Response to the book ‘Flowers for Algernon’ Essay

The story of â€Å"Flowers for Algernon† is about a man named Charlie Gordon and his life as an intellectually disabled person. But his life changes when he undergoes an operation to increase his intelligence and become smarter than the average person. Once he becomes smart he starts to realise things that he would not have when he was disabled. Even thou Charlie was intellectually disabled he still lived what he thought was a very good life. He had a job; he had what he thought were friends there. Charlie also went to an adult education class where he enjoyed learning. He also had a nice little place of his own. However, because he is disabled he does miss out on numerous opportunities that many of us take for granted. So it seems he was living an enjoyable life, therefore I neither feel sorry for him nor feel he was lucky. Charlie’s friends at the factory were not ‘true friends’. Most of them, especially Joe Carp and Frank Reilly, made fun of Charlie at his expense. For example, one time Frank and Joe took Charlie out for a couple of drinks, they got him drunk and made fun of him because of his job as a janitor. After that Frank and Joe ditched Charlie, he thought he was getting them a newspaper and a coffee, but they ran off. Even after all this Charlie still thought that Frank and Joe were his friends because he didn’t understand that they were making fun of him. I believe that most people with intellectual disabilities are treated fairly. Most are given nearly the same opportunities as normal people would get, eg go to school, get a job and even play sports on weekends. Furthermore most people these days are mature, and don’t take advantage of any disabled people. The story really hasn’t changed the way I feel towards intellectually disabled people. If I hadn’t grown up knowing one it may have. Disabled people should be treated the same and given the same opportunities as all other people because that is what they really want.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Principles of Marketing: New Product Development

UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB GUJRANWALA CAMPUS â€Å"Principles of Marketing† â€Å"MARKETING PROJECT† â€Å"New Product Development† Submitted to: â€Å"Prof. Hafiz Ihsan-ur-Rehman† Submitted By: Usman Khalid Mc09023 Umar Farooq Mc09002 Faraz Raza Mc09040 M. Usman Mc09026 Jahangir Badar Mc09061 Ahmad Khayyam Mc09035 PROJECT CONTENTS 1. Segmentation & Target Marketing (Characteristics: How Product fit with T. M. ) 2. Product Ideas ,Screening, Concept Development & Testing. 3. Demand Estimation 4. Marketing Mix 1) Product 2) Price 3) Placement ) Promotion (Print, Radio & T V ads. ) 5) 5. Cost Estimation Variable costFixed cost P. U. P. U. 6. Plant Cost Segmentation & Target Marketing Segmentation: â€Å"Dividing a market into smaller groups with distinct needs characteristics or behaviors who might require separate product or marketing mix† Geographic Segmentation: We considered the Punjab as a whole market for our Product and divide the Punjab on the basis of cities e. g. Gujranwala, Lahore, Gujrat. We divide the GRW market on zone basis i. e. Satellite town, Model town, Urdu bazaar, People colony etc. Demographic Segmentation: (on the family size basis) Now we divide the selected urdu Bazar market on the basis of family size. A family whose has ten members need a wiper after six months or replacement of rubber is necessary after three or four months. Target Market: Our product is consumer product and basically for household. Our Targeted Market is Urdu Bazar in which we supply the wip wiper on different shops for sale. Our Targeted Customers are families in which there are five or more family members. Targeted market How wip wiper fit with the Target Market? Our Product Wip wiper is fit with the Targeted market of urdu Bazar because it is a household item and is purchased by the family people. And in Urdu Bazar of Gujranwala people come for purchase of different household items and our product wip wiper has additional quality of water supply so our Stall of product will attract the people and people will buy it due to its additional features. And there are also potential buyers of wiper that purchased the wiper after six months we can also convert these buyer on our product. Our product is consumer product. It is the need of every house and we are providing additional facility in this product i. e. water supply. In the selected targeted market, there will be many customers of product â€Å"WIP WIPPER† So its better market for our product New Product Development â€Å"New Product Development process consist of ideas generation, ideas screening, concept development and testing, business analysis, test market, commercialization and launching the new product in the targeted market. We discuss the four these things relating to our Product of wipe wiper. Now the detailed information of these is under: IDEAS GENERATION Following are the New Product ideas are generated by our Group members. Which are as follows: 1) Create such type of machine, that convert any blood group into required blood group. Just like we want â€Å"O Negative† and we have â€Å"A Positive† then machine will help us to convert our available blood group of â€Å"A Positive† into required â€Å"O Negative† blood group. 2) NOKIA mobile company should create that type of mobile in which translator facility is included. This Mobile Phone will give advantage to the people who are not able to speak different type of languages. ) There should be a wiper with additional qualities of water supply, detergent supply and cleaning the dust smoothly. Due to this product the work of women will be less and they have only to manage the wiper with water supply. 4) PlayStation gaming company should to create that type of glasses in which there is facility of watching television and playing different ty pe of games. This type of glasses will provide advantage to the people to watch different types of movies, program and play different type of exciting games during traveling. ) PHILIPS Company should develop remote control system for switching off the TUBE LIGHT when required without movement of the person. 6) Replacement of petrol tank into CNG tank in order to use the CNG instead of petrol in Motorcycles. It will be beneficial to save the petrol and to control the pollution in the environment because CNG is less costly as compared to petrol. 7) GFC fan company should develop that type of ceiling fans that are running with the help of SOLAR system without using electricity. And that fan should use separately its own SOLAR system. ) DOLCE and GABBANA wrist watch company should create that type of wrist watches in which Willkie Talkie facility is included. That gives advantage to the people for communicating with each others within a specific distance. 9) PEPSI company should make Ic e Cream products just like FEAST, CORNATO and OTHER similar Ice Creams that gives advantage to the PEPSI company for creating more market share. 10) HONDA motors should make that type of brake system in cars that immediately stop the cars from accidental events. Before any type of accident. 1) There should be a chip which are fix in front of the vehicles and by which the people can pay the TOOL TAX by prepaid accounts. That system will solve the traffic problems. 12) Use of internal device (Bluetooth) in CPU for data sharing IDEA SCREENING â€Å"Idea Screening means screening new-product ideas in order to spot good ideas and drop poor ones as soon as possible†. Next step of new product development process is idea screening in which most suitable ideas with possibilities to develop the new product are selected. Following are the three ideas which are selected by us for new product development. After further verification and availability of resources we will select one of them for actual product development. 1) PHILIPS Company should develop remote control system for switching off the TUBE LIGHT when required without movement of the person. 2) There should be a wiper with additional qualities of water supply, detergent supply and cleaning the dust smoothly. Due to this product the work of women will be less and they have only to manage the wiper with water supply. 3) Use of internal device (Bluetooth) in CPU for data sharing Selected Idea for Project After screening ideas, we are going to develop a wiper with additional qualities of water supply, detergent supply and cleaning the dust smoothly. Due to this product the work of women will be less and they have only to manage the wiper with water supply. As this product will provide the much benefits to the people and there is need for such type of product in the society that will facilitate the women in their working, so there will be many customers for this product. So, our selected idea is the development of the wiper with water supply. CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT & TESTING The idea of wipe wiper with additional quality of water supply and supply of detergent for washing and cleaning rooms So, There is no need to separately handle the water pipe and other equipment for washing the rooms and places of houses and offices. This is the concept of the product that might facilitate the cleaning of offices and houses. By observation of time, Group thinking is to develop this idea into actual product. We have discussed the idea of wipe wiper with many people and we have listen favorable words for our product and the potential buyers are agree to buy the new product, if we offer for sale. After satisfying the test market we are in a position to develop the â€Å"WIP WIPPER† Demand Estimation In Gujranwala, there are 2200000 people and when we divide the Gujranwala population on 10 (Average family members in a family) i. e. 2200000/10 =220000 We received 220000 families and there is a need of a wiper after six month or there is need for replacement of rubber. So, we conclude according to above estimation that the demand for our product in Gujranwala will be 220000 or more or less wiper at the start of the business and there will be a decrease in the demand after one month. e considered that our demand will be 220000/6=36666 For expansion of business, we have to go in other cities and for proper running of business, this demand is not sufficient. This Business has attractiveness due to its expanding market. Marketing Mix â€Å"The set of all controllable tactical marketing tools i. e Product, Price, Place and Promotion that the firm blends to produce the respons e it wants in the target market. † Following are the elements of Marketing Mix: PRODUCT Any thing that can be offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a want or need. LEVELS OF PRODUCT Before actual Product, we have to think on the three levels of the product. The more basic level of the product is the core benefit of the product. The second level of the product is actual product level and the last level of the product is to define the product at the augmented level of the product. Now we examine these levels relating to â€Å"WIPE WIPER†. 1:-CORE BENEFIT â€Å"Cleaning in minimum time. † 2:-ACTUAL PRODUCT: Now we turn the core benefit of cleaning in minimum time into actual product and define the product at this level. 1. NAME OF PRODUCT: Wipe wiper 2. FEATURES: Additional water supply of detergent, minimum time consumption, independently replaceable rubber. 3. DESIGN: Rubber of wiper will be in different colors, flexible handle pipe attachment. 4. QUALITY LEVEL: Use of high quality rubber and drying with in minimum time. 5. PACKAGING: It will be in simple packing. 6. BRAND NAME: â€Å"WIPE WIPER† 3:-AUGMENTED LEVEL 1. Facility for replacement of rubber. 2. Warranty within 2 months Product Inputs Following are the main elements which are used to produced the â€Å"WIPE WIPER†. These are 1. WIPER Rubber 2. Steel Sheet 3. Pipe of 4 Feet 4. Ball Wall 5. Spray Paint 6. Rubber Nails . 1 Piece of Nozzle PROCESS OF PRODUCTION Bend steel sheet to capture wiper rubber and then drill the sheet to capture rubber after that prepare wiper pipe and place ball wall and nozzle on it and made supply of water into wiper rubber then fitting and last step is colouring. PACKAGING: It will be in simple packing. LABELING There will only the name of t he brand of the wip wiper in the labeling at the front of the product . PRICING FOR THE NEW PRODUCT â€Å" The amount of money that a consumer has to pay to obtain the product. † Two strategies are used for setting prices for the New product. ? PRICE PENETRATION PRICE SKIMMING Price Penetration: Setting a low price for a new product in order to attract a large number of buyers and a large market share. Price Skimming: Setting a high price for a new product to skim maximum revenues layer by layer from the segments willing to pay the high price; the company makes fewer but more profitable sales. Pricing Strategy for our Product We select penetration pricing because there are enough competition in market. Our product is convenient product. It has certain features which are not available in the market such as water supply, detergent supply etc PLACEMENT OF THE â€Å"WIP WIPPER† We will use indirect marketing channel in the Gujranwala in which product is supplied to the retailer and then to the final user because the targeted market is short and within the city and easily manageable. But when we decide to launch the product outside the city means in an other city Lahore then we use indirect marketing channel (that will be vertical marketing channel) in which we will provide the product to the Distributor and then retailer and finally to the end user LOCAL MARKET OUTSIDE CITY MARKET Cost Estimation We are going to produced 1000 units of wipe wiper. Fixed cost estimation for this purpose is as follow: FIXED COST Plant cost 200000 Estimated life of plant is 10 year so 200000/10=20000 And 20000/12=1667 And1667/1000 so 1. 67 per unit Land cost 10000 per month so 10000/1000=10 so 10 is the per unit land cost. Advertisement Cost25*1000=25000 TOTAL COST |Variable Cost per Unit |= |323 | |Fixed Cost per Unit |= |11. 67 | | |= |334. 7 | |Advertising cost |= |25 | |Total Cost |= |359. 67 | Product PriceRs. 425 TOTAL VARIABLE COST For this the estimated variable product cost is under: |Items |Items name |Cost of input |Total cost | |No. |Per unit | | |1. |WIPER Rubber |50 |50*1000=50000 | |2. |Steel Sheet |30 |30*1000=30000 | | |6/8INCH of pipe 4 Feet |60 |60*1000=60000 | |3. | | | |4. |Ball Wall |100 |100*1000=100000 | |5. |Rubber Nails |5 |5*1000=5000 | |6. |Nozzle |10 |10*1000=10000 | |7. |colour |20 |20*1000=20000 | |8 |Wielding exp. 30 |30*1000=30000 | |9. |Labor cost |10 |10*1000=10000 | |10. |Electricity |3 |3*1000=3000 | |11. | gass |5 |5*1000=5000 | | |Total Cost |323 |323000 | Requirement for human force Labor: 4 skilled people are required for operating Plant and for distribution and sale, we are available. Requirement of Running Capital For proper running of Business there is approximately 500000 rupees are required. ———————– Gujranwala Satellite town Model town Urdu Bazar People colony Satellite town Model town Urdu Bazar People colony MANUFACTURER MANUFACTURER RETAILER Distributer CUSTOMER RETAILER CUSTOMER

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Motivation In Employees

Motivation What is motivation? Motivation is difficult to explain and even harder to â€Å"turn on† in people. Webster defines motivation as â€Å"an act or process of motivating; the condition of being motivated; a force, stimulus, or influence: incentive or drive† (â€Å"Motivation†). It is most often the job of the manager to use motivation to drive its employees to accomplish acts which they normally would not have done. The study of motivation helps managers understand what prompts people to initiate action, what influences their choice of action, and why they persist in their action over time (Daft and Marcic 444). Over the years many theorist have studied the human condition of motivation, and learned various techniques to help managers figure out what makes employees seek to attain higher knowledge, wealth, prosperity, and happiness in their work. One most noted theorist is Abraham Maslow; he carried out his investigations into human behavior and developed the hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow suggested that there are five sets of goals which may be called basic needs. These five are physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization- that exists in a hierarchical order and can be compared to climbing a ladder. Once a lower level need has been fulfilled, the person seeks to fulfill the next higher level. This progression leads to self actualization as being the highest level (Daft and Marcic 447-49). Another best known contributor to the behavior of individuals at work was Douglas McGregor. McGregor had an extensive background in management and consultation; he was also a trained psychologist (Daft and Marcic 37). In 1960, he published a book called, â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise.† In his book he examined two models which he called Theory X and Theory Y. The Theory X management assumes most people prefer to be directed, are not interested in assuming responsibility, and want safety above ev... Free Essays on Motivation In Employees Free Essays on Motivation In Employees Motivation What is motivation? Motivation is difficult to explain and even harder to â€Å"turn on† in people. Webster defines motivation as â€Å"an act or process of motivating; the condition of being motivated; a force, stimulus, or influence: incentive or drive† (â€Å"Motivation†). It is most often the job of the manager to use motivation to drive its employees to accomplish acts which they normally would not have done. The study of motivation helps managers understand what prompts people to initiate action, what influences their choice of action, and why they persist in their action over time (Daft and Marcic 444). Over the years many theorist have studied the human condition of motivation, and learned various techniques to help managers figure out what makes employees seek to attain higher knowledge, wealth, prosperity, and happiness in their work. One most noted theorist is Abraham Maslow; he carried out his investigations into human behavior and developed the hierarchy of needs theory. Maslow suggested that there are five sets of goals which may be called basic needs. These five are physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, and self-actualization- that exists in a hierarchical order and can be compared to climbing a ladder. Once a lower level need has been fulfilled, the person seeks to fulfill the next higher level. This progression leads to self actualization as being the highest level (Daft and Marcic 447-49). Another best known contributor to the behavior of individuals at work was Douglas McGregor. McGregor had an extensive background in management and consultation; he was also a trained psychologist (Daft and Marcic 37). In 1960, he published a book called, â€Å"The Human Side of Enterprise.† In his book he examined two models which he called Theory X and Theory Y. The Theory X management assumes most people prefer to be directed, are not interested in assuming responsibility, and want safety above ev...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Analyzing an image Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Analyzing an image - Essay Example An ad persuades or turns off potentials buyers. Toyota Camry commercial entails strong, credible, and attractive message for the probable target market. Largely, the message crafted in the ad is effective. The ad involves different photos, clear messages, events, and geographic features that appeal to the relevant customer senses. For example, the advert encompasses the entreaties to pathos, logos, and ethos. The selection of language and phrases in the ad significantly influences the viewer’s emotional appeal, emotional response, thus enhancing the efficiency. Particularly, broken bridge and phrase, which highlights that a single bold choice opens other opportunities for advancement, is effective, context specific, and provides motivation for the buyers and users of the car. The ad involves the use of clear structures, colorful pictures, and information that offers consistency for the audience. Furthermore, the interplay of the highlighted events such as dog rescue, bridge, and escape with evidence offer distinctive claim and enable the buyers to make logic reasons. The broken bridge, relaxed female and the rescued dog supports the precision of Toyota products in all terrains across the world. By observing and reading, the bold letters emphasize importance of the vehicle. Hence, the ad provides a clear message of dependability, sincerity and durability of Toyota Camry spells out. Besides, ethos emanates the posters appealing style of dispatch and tone. Thus, the ad provides viewers with opportunity to visualize the actual car and make comparisons of the past, present and future replicas. The approach suggestively guides sound decision-making process when purchasing the car. In this context, the picture of the girl shows audacity in pursuit of a beneficial outcome. Hence, the picture translates that Toyota Camry improves livelihood and performs better than competing car

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Conlon Nancarrow's career and his relation to player piano Research Proposal

Conlon Nancarrow's career and his relation to player piano - Research Proposal Example The interview is considered as quite important for understanding the actual view of composer for a series of critical issues related to his life and career. The findings of the literature review will be categorized, so that they are presented in separate sections according to their relevance to the study’s issues. The career of Conlon Nancarrow can be characterized as rather impressive. As for all artists, for Conlon Nancarrow also communicating effectively with his audience has been a key priority. Media and technology have helped Conlon Nancarrow to achieve this target. Has this support intervened in the development of the composer’s career? Was the involvement of media and technology in the career of Conlon Nancarrow fully justified? Duffie, Bruce. â€Å"Composer Conlon Nancarrow. A Conversation With Bruce Duffie.† Archive of Contemporary Music. Northwestern University. October 12, 1987. Accessed at 25 February 2013.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Personal statement for admission Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

For admission - Personal Statement Example Thus, while benefiting from the first hand experiences and active performances, I still lacked academic learning in the field of music. This pushed me to opt for a master’s degree in Music and Performance at the Indiana University. I have now completed my masters and I feel that I am on a good stand with regard to academic learning as well as performance. But I still believe that further learning and practice would enhance and polish my skills. It would make my academic ground stronger and it is for this purpose that I wish to enroll in the doctoral program at the University of Michigan. The University of Michigan is one of the most prestigious universities in the United States and it will provide me with the best opportunities to strengthen my career. I would then be able to go back to Korea as a musician having both strong practical skills as well as possessing good academic skills. This would assist me in performing well and at the same time in becoming a good instructor and thus impart my knowledge to the students in

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4

Report - Research Paper Example These attempts of ennrching customer insights are highly different across different stores throughout the world (Marks & Spencer plc, 2015). Contextually, the current research demands for a study of customer insights into an organisation, where M&S has been proposed. The reason behind selecting M&S as the organisation for the study is the sector which it belongs to, i.e. retailing. The research of the retail sector would provide superior outcomes to the study, as a wide variety of customers arrive at retail outlets. The retail sector also has a higher number of consumers as compared to any other industry throughout the world. Moreover, it is notable that the consumers spend a significant proportion of time in retail outlets as compared to other outlets. Thus, it is important from the perspective of a researcher to select retail outlets for understanding consumer insights to a large extent (Marks and Spencer plc, 2015). The prime aim of the proposed research is to understand consumer insights in M&S. In this regard, for attaining the aim of the research, it is essential to draw some of the research objectives for the study. The research objectives are listed underneath. For the effective completion of the study, it is important to set some of the research questions. In this regard, it is highly important that the research questions are relevant to the objectives and aim of the study. These research questions are listed underneath. The proposed study involves a unique and decisive research plan, which would significantly support the overall development of the study and the effective completion of the same. In this regard, the correlation between the different variables would be executed (Baker, 2004). In this regard, the variables are selected based on the research questions of the study, which are listed above. Moreover, it is notable that the correlation process would be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Peoples Democratic Republic Of Algeria English Language Essay

Peoples Democratic Republic Of Algeria English Language Essay Over three years period of learning English as a foreign language, English LMD students still find the written demands extremely challenging. Moreover, third year LMD students in the English Department at Saad Dahlab University of Blida encounter many difficulties in writing their mini-projects. Therefore, this study is needed to reveal these difficulties and their effect on further learning. Furthermore, it is an important study mainly because of the fact that academic writing is required for anybody who is studying English and has to write essays and other assignments for exams or coursework. 2. Statement of the Problem: This study will investigate the effect of having academic writing difficulties on ACHIEVING THE FINAL PROJECT of third year LMD students in the English Department at Saad Dahlab University of Blida. 3.The research question: What are the effects of academic writing difficulties on the final projects progress of third year LMD students in English Department at Saad Dahlab University of Blida? 4.The research Sub-questions: What are the academic writing difficulties that hinder the final projects progress of third year LMD students in English department at University of Blida? 5.Hypothesis: Third year LMD students in English department at University of Blida may have difficulties in cohesion. 6.Objectives of the Study: To identify the difficulties that faces the third year LMD students in English department at University of Blida when writing academically. To reveal the significance of academic writing difficulties to third year LMD students further studies in English department at University of Blida. To show how academic writing difficulties affect third year LMD students learning progress in English department at University of Blida 6. Structure of the research proposal: This research proposal covers the main points that will be examined in the final thesis entitled Effects of Academic Writing Difficulties on Achieving the Final Project of Third Year LMD Students in English Department at Saad Dahlab University of Blida. The first part is a general introduction that includes the background and significance of the study, statement of the problem, research questions and the objectives of the study. The second part is a review of the literature which consists of two chapters. The first chapter is a review of literature on the EFL academic writing difficulties. It consists of a definition of academic writing, the rhetorical, strategy and vocabulary challenges of EFL writing. The second chapter deals with the effect of writing weaknesses on EFL learning development. It includes the influence of rhetorical, strategy and vocabulary difficulties on the scores achievement. The third part describes the methodology design of this research. It includes data to be collected, data collection procedures, the population, procedures and data analysis procedures. The last part is a conclusion of the previous chapters and it includes a summary of the main points. CHAPTER 1: Review of the literature on EFL academic writing difficulties Introduction: Academic writing in English at advanced levels is a challenge even for most native English speakers. However it is particularly difficult for English as foreign language learners. Recent studies have researched the difficulties of academic writing. This part sheds light on previous studies and reviews relevant literature on the EFL academic writing difficulties. First, the researchers intend to provide a definition of the academic writing, and then they give some basics of academic writing. Finally, this chapter discusses the challenges that face EFL learners when writing academically. 1.1. Definition of academic writing: Academic writing is a mental and cognitive activity, since it is a product of the mind. The image of an individual working alone in a quiet environment has furthered the view of writing as a mental and cognitive activity. However as has been pointed out, writing can be understood only from the perspective of a society rather than a single individual(Burke, 2010,p.40-41). 1.2. Basics of academic writing: Academic writing is expected to address an intellectual community in which the students engage in active learning. Some basics or rules must be established. Using information to ones advantage is a key part of learning. Success at the postgraduate level depends on the students ability to access, evaluate, and synthesize the words, ideas, and opinions of others in order to develop their own academic voice. When presenting what they have learned, it is therefore vitally important that students are able to show clearly what they have drawn from others and what is their own (Bristol Business School, 2006, p. 3). A student must be honest about how much ownership he/she can claim over the ideas formed, the answers found, and the opinions expressed (Bristol Business School, 2006, p. 3). The student must follow certain rules to ensure good academic writing, including punctuation guidelines. 1.2.1 Punctuation The essential punctuation marks are the period, comma, semicolon, and colon. These include the following: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The period primarily marks the end of a sentence. A period is also used after an abbreviation where the final letter of the word is not the final word of the abbreviation, e.g., in enc. for enclosure, although Mr. for Mister is an exception (Murphy, 2010, p. 9). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The comma is primarily used to separate parts of a sentence so that the meaning remains clearer for the reader. (I) A comma separates words in a list, e.g., He brought coal, kindling, matches, and turf. (II) A comma separates subordinate clauses within a complex sentence where two separate sentences are not required (Murphy, 2010, p. 9). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The semicolon has two common uses. First, it may be used to separate items in a list after a colon. Second, it may be used to indicate a certain relationship between two parts of a sentence (Murphy, 2010, p. 9). à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The colon may be used to indicate the start of a list, as is similar to the above example for the semicolon. It may also be used before a quotation begins (Murphy, 2010, p. 9). 1.3. Challenges of EFL academic writing: Writing is considered as a complex activity, a social act which reflects the writers communicative skills which is difficult to develop and learn, especially in an EFL context. Research in this field has examined the nature and types of writing task and by providing better understanding of EFL students writing needs, there has been an effort to help the development of this major skill theoretically and pedagogically (Zhu, 2004; Carson, 2001; Hale et al, 1996).   Examining the features of EFL writing tasks and the students problems in performing the task would certainly be pedagogically beneficial. As stated by Atkinson (2003, p.95), EFL students writing in a language classroom context shows their ability to solve a rhetoric problem and their awareness of their own communicative goals, of the reader, and of the writing context. In spite of numerous approaches to the teaching of writing, tackling EFL writing is still one of the challenging areas for teachers and students. Many EFL te achers think that grammar and vocabulary are the main problem area and that their writing would improve with remedial grammar/voc lessons. As Widdowson (1995, p.74) points out, we need to consider the larger discourse context or the meaning that lies beyond grammatical structure. To go beyond grammar, language should be looked at as a form of social practice (Fairclough, 1992, p.122). As Casanava (2002  ,p.19) points out, learning how to write for academic purposes poses a clueless challenge because the rules of the game are almost all implicit. This is especially true for Algerian university students when they write an academic research paper in English for the first time: they are faced with a number of unfamiliar, daunting tasks. Of all these, the most formidable and crucial challenge appears to be learning how to organize and develop their ideas in an academically persuasive manner; that is to organize their assertions into logical and cohesive arguments that will convince the reader. Their papers often end up lacking clear logical flow and unity, not to mention a persuasive linear argument. Conclusion Most EFL students find writing difficult and some students report that their difficulties continue, even years after their confidence in other academic skills such as speaking, listening, and reading has grown (Zhang, 2010,p.71). Explanations for students struggle go beyond grammar and vocabulary though these are clearly significant. Most writing specialists agree that writing difficulties are down to the specialised nature of academic discourse (Schmitt, 2005, p.65) and to the complexity of the craft of writing itself. CHAPTER 2: The research methodology design Introduction: In this chapter, the researchers describe the research methods, informants and data collecting tools. The results collected from the research tools will be analyzed scientifically in order to answer the research questions. Research method: Since the current study aims at showing the effects of academic writing difficulties on students final project achievement, the researchers opted to use a descriptive study on third year LMD students in English Department at University of Saad Dahleb- Blida. A descriptive method facilitates the gathering of information and data to assist in achieving study goals. As a first step, the researchers tend to administer a questionnaire to third year LMD students in English Department at University of Saad Dahleb- Blida mainly to confirm whether they face difficulties when writing academically (see appendix 01). Then, supervisors will be interviewed about the challenges they meet when orienting students with academic writing difficulties (see appendix 02). During the study, which will take three months, the researchers will observe the students progress in achieving their final project using an observation check list (see appendix 03). Population: The informants of this study are students and teachers from the English Department at the University of Saad Dahleb- Blida. The researchers select 10 groups of third year LMD students; each group consists of 3 members working on their final project in didactics field, and 5 didactic MA Degree teachers who supervise the 10 groups. The informants are 19 female students and 11 male students. The age of the informants ranges from 20 to 26 (see table 1). The original names of the students are replaced with fictitious names to keep the identity of the informants confidential. Table 01: Description of the groups Groups Gender Age Previous tuition of English 1st group 2 females/ 1 male 20 23 8 years 2nd group 3 females 20 8 years 3rd group 3 females 20 22 8 years 4th group 3 females 24 26 8 to 10 years 5th group 2 males / 1 female 20 23 10 years 6th group 3 females 20 10 years 7th group 3 females 20 10 years 8th group 2 females/ 1 male 21 10 years 9th group 3 males 20 22 10 years 10th group 3 males 21 25 10 to 13 years Data collection tools: The researchers intend to use three research tools to collect the data needed in order to answer the research questions of this study: 3.1- A questionnaire with closed-ended questions is distributed to the 10 groups of the 3rd year LMD students. It consists of 13 closed ended questions which aim at detecting the category of the difficulties whether in cohesion, coherence, vocabulary or strategy. 3.2- Semi-structured interviews are conducted to collect data from the perspective of the 5 supervisors. Interviewing the supervisors on the basis of their feedback to the groups will help to specify the types of difficulties, to confirm the data collected from the questionnaire and to know the challenges of supervising students with academic writing difficulties. 3.3- Observation check lists are distributed each month to the 10 groups in order to examine the effects of the academic writing difficulties on the progress of accomplishing their final projects. The list contains the supervisors negative feedback besides the data collected from the interviews and the questionnaire. Each group is provided with a check list to examine how much each difficulty is considerable to hinder the progress of the final project. 4. Data analysis Procedures: After the data are collected, the researchers intend to analyze them according to teachers and students answers: 4.1. A questionnaire with closed-ended questions: The data collected from the questionnaire will be analyzed quantitatively. The researchers will describe and comment on the answers objectively. Then, the data will be interpreted scientifically. Through this process the difficulties of academic writing will be revealed. 4.2. Semi-structured interviews: The data collected from the semi-structured interviews will be analyzed qualitatively. The reasons for choosing qualitative methods for collecting data are: the need to attain highly personalized data, there are opportunities for probing, a good return rate. (Gray, 2004, p.96). These semi-structured interviews will specify the kind of the difficulties. 4.3. Check list observation: The data collected from the observation check list will be presented in graphs. Graphs will give a clear vision on the effect academic writing difficulties on the third year LMD final project achievement. Conclusion and Suggestions for Further Research: In view of the data presented, the researchers conclude that third year LMD students in English department at Saad Dahlab university face many difficulties and stresses in their academic writing. These difficulties severly hinder the progress of the students final project. The following recommendations are made for future studies: The present study could be replicated on a wider scale that includes diverse populations and various levels of education to examine more thoroughly the difficulties of academic writing. Further field-based research should be conducted to address other important skills, such as reading, listening, and speaking. -Since the subjects of this study were male and female students, future studies could be conducted with only male or only female students to determine the effect of gender on academic writing difficulties. General conclusion The research proposal is a crucial step in any scientific research. It clearly describes the study process. This research paper describes the study which is intended to be applied on the topic Effects of Academic Writing Difficulties on Achieving the Final Project of Third Year LMD Students in English Department at University of Blida.This research proposal considers the most important points in the study. The first chapter is the literature review which contains different ideas about the data that will help answering the research questions. This chapter deals with the EFL academic writing difficulties. It gives a definition of the academic writing, tackles its basics and defines its challenges. The second chapter in the research proposal is the research methodology design. It describes the followed methods in the study process which are the research method, the population, the data collection tools and the data analysis procedures. Bibliography Burke, S. (2010). The construction of writer identity in the academic writing of Korean ESL students: a qualitative study of six Korean students in the U.S. Doctoral dissertation. Walter. L. (1977). College Composition and Communication. Major Problems in Doing Academic Writing. Vol 28/1. pp 26-29. Hyland, K. (2003). Second language Writing. Cambridge, Cambridge Press Al Khuweileh, A, Shoumali. I. (2007). Writing Errors: A study of the Writing Ability of Arab Learners of Academic English and Arabic at University [Abstract]. Language and Culture and Curriculum, 13 (2), 174-183. Silva, T. (1992). L1 vs. L2 writing: ESL graduate students perceptions. TESL Canada Journal, 10 (1), 27-48. BBC English Teachers Supplement. (1995). The challenges of teaching academic writing. [Online] Available: http://www.uefap.com/articles/furneaux.pdf Fulwiler, T. (2002). A personal approach to academic writing. College writing: Third Edition. Boynton/Cook Publishers, Inc. Heinemann. Murphy, Anne. (2010). Academic writing and publishing matters for the scholar- researcher. D.I.T Dublin Institute of technology 9- Woodrow, L. (2006). Academic Success of International Postgraduate Education Students and the Role of English Proficiency. University of Sydney Papers in TESOL, 1, 51-70 10- Brookes, A; Grundy, P. (1998). Beginning to Write. Cambridge, Cambridge Press. 11- Fitze, M; Glasgow, R. (2009). Input Enhancement and Tense Formation in Arab EFL Writing by Cross Cultural Exchanges. English for Specific Purposes, 17(4), 391-412. 12- Taranopolsky, O. (2005). Creative EFL writing as a means of intensifying English writing skill acquisition: A Ukrainian experience. TESL Canada Journal, 23(1), 76-78. 13- Weigle, C. (2002). Assessing Writing. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. 14- Bacha, N.N., Bahous, R. (2008). Contrasting views of business students writing needs in an EFL environment. English for Specific Purposes 27, 74-93. 15- Badger, R; White. G. (2000). A process-genre approach to teaching writing. ELT Journal, 54(2): 153-160. Appendices Appendix: 01 Questionnaire with closed-ended questions This questionnaire is part of MA dissertation. It is administered to third year LMD students in English department at university of Blida. Please, answer the following questions according to your writing experience. Thank you for your collaboration. Do you face any difficulties when writing your mini-project? Yes No Is the grammatical features one of the problems you face in your English writing? Yes No 3. Do you spend time reviewing what you write? Yes No 4. Does most of your reviewing focus on the sentence and paragraph level? Yes No 5. Do you always focus your reviewing on the grammar points of your writing? Yes No 6. Do you know which type of plague words and phrases you should avoid? Yes No 7. Do you often make sentence mistakes in your writing? Yes No 8. Do you often make subject-verb disagreement mistakes in your writing? Yes No 9. Do you experience difficulty combining sentences in your writing? Yes No 10. Is it difficult to create an understandable and coherent paragraph? Yes No 11. Do you include each of the three steps (planning, writing, and revision) in your writing process? Yes No 12. Do you write an outline before writing draft? Yes No 13. Do you think that writing skills are important factors for successful writing? Yes No Appendix: 02 Semi-structured interviews The semi-structured interviews below are part of MA dissertation entitled Academic Writing Difficulties and their Effect on the Learning Progress of Third Year LMD Students in English Department at Saad Dahlab University of Blida. 5 supervisors of 10 groups of third year LMD students will be asked face to face the following questions: Do you think that third year LMD students in English Department at Saad Dahleb University of Blida have difficulties in writing academically when working on their final projects? According to your experience, what are the difficulties that faced by third year LMD students in English Department at Saad Dahleb University of Blida when working on their final projects? Do these difficulties affect the students progress of their final projects? According to the groups you are supervising, do the academic writing difficulties differ from one group to another? To what extent do you think that academic writing is important for third year LMD student to accomplish their final projects? What are the challenges you face when supervising students with academic writing difficulties?

Friday, October 25, 2019

George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four :: 1984 Essays

George Orwell is the pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, a British writer with political conscience. He was born in India but educated in England at Eton College. He served the Indian Imperial Police in Burma from 1922 to 1927. In sick health, he returned to Europe to live in poverty as a struggling writer. Orwell joined the Republican forces in the Spanish civil war, and wrote a chilling account of this experience. He went on to write many books, mostly autobiographical, and achieved successes as a brilliant writer. 2. SynopsisThe novel takes place in a theoretical and fictional dystopian totalitarian society. The story begins in London on April 4, 1984 after an atomic world war divides the world into three states. London is the capital of Oceania which is run by INGSOC(English Socialism). The controllers are called "The Party." The Party is divided into two sections, The Inner Party, and The Outer Party which are the "Rich" and the "middle-class." There is a third group of people called "The Proles," or "The Proletariat" which are the poor, and considered to be animals by the party. The main leader of this government is Big Brother. The novel is told in third person and partly first person, and is also divided into three parts. In the first part the main character and his conflicts with the world he lives in are revealed. Winston Smith is a bureaucrat who works for the government by altering history at the Ministry of Truth. He begins to ponder the reason things are so bad and commits a terrible crime. In the second part, he falls in love with Julia, and is taken in by a man named O'Brien, a member of the anti-party society called the Brotherhood. O'Brien turns out to be a true member of The Inner Party. Winston and Julia are captured and hauled off to the Ministry of Love (Minilove in Newspeak). Here, during the final part of the story, Winston is incarcerated and rehabilitated by The Party. O'Brien constantly tel ls Winston that Winston is crazy, and that he is trying to help him. During these sessions he reveals the true purposes of INGSOC. The party's goals can be summed up in their mottoes. "WAR IS PEACE, FREEDOM IS SLAVERY, and IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH(Orwell, 7)."3. ThemeUnder the rule of INGSOC, members of The Party are engrossed in their work. It is essential that the government keeps its people happy in order to avoid rebellions and "thought crimes.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lumber-Room Essay

lumber-room The story under analysis was written by Hector Munro, a British novelist and a short-story writer. After his parents’ death he was brought up by a grandmother and two aunts, one of them was a woman of ungovernable temper, of fierce likes and dislikes, imperious and a moral coward. She was the last person who should have been in charge of children. The character of the aunt in The Lumber-Room is Aunt Augusta to the life. The story is about a little boy Nikolas who lives with his cruel aunt, brother and cousins.One day he commits the offence thus bringing the punishment upon himself, but he’s not upset as he is intended to sneak into the lumber-room. He plays trick with his aunt and finally gets into the forbidden paradise. The main idea of this story is the conflict between unchangeable conventional reality and poetry and intellectual freedom, between dogmatic, pedantic, philistine mind and poetic imagination. The story is a 3-person narration interlaced with inner thoughts and descriptive passages. The prevailing mood is rather positive, ironical and highly emotional.The text under study can be divided into 4 logically complete parts. The first part can be entitled â€Å"the 1 part of the plan†. Nickolas is not going with his small brother and his cousins to the Jagborough sands as his aunt has punished him for his disgraceful conduct at breakfast when he refused to eat his wholesome bread-and milk on the seemingly frivolous ground that there was a frog in it. The author’s attitude to the aunt is revealed with the help of the antonomasia â€Å"older and wiser and better people† and the high-flown adjectives â€Å"wholesome and frivolous†.Nickolas is shown as a very wise and clever boy for his age. In the following paragraph the author resorts to some bookish words such as â€Å"alleged†, â€Å"profoundly in error†, â€Å"utmost assurance† and long sentences to make the reader feel the st yle of aunt’s thoughts and haughty treatment of the children. Apart from Nickolas his aunt is described rather directly; she’s shown as self-confident and self-righteous person who can never admit her mistake. Her false piety is depicted by ironical use of religious words, such as â€Å"sin† and â€Å"depravity†.Judicial and military terminology such as â€Å"rigorously debarred†, â€Å"skilled tactician† conveys the tense atmosphere in the aunt and boy’s relations. At the time of children’s departure N drops a few decent tears. But he isn’t upset as this is just a part of his plan. The second part can be entitled as â€Å"the 2 part of the plan†. N is forbidden to go into the gooseberry garden as he’s in disgrace. And his aunt is going to keep an eye on it. But N himself feels perfectly capable of being in disgrace and in the gooseberry garden at the same time. And with the help of the zeugma the author co ntributes humorous effect in the text.The reader can trace the opposition between the aunt and the boy, which is again reproduced by the military terms, such as â€Å"sorties†, â€Å"operations†, â€Å"sentry-duty†, â€Å"unauthorized intrusion†. This idea also appears in the different attitude to the gooseberry garden. For aunt it is a forbidden paradise and for N it’s just a mere material pleasure. The descriptive passage of the aunt shows her as a woman of few ideas, with immense power of concentration. So, during N’s aunt duty, the boy gets the key, which opens the door of the lumber-room. The third part can be entitled â€Å"in the lumber-room†.N gets into the lumber-room and everything is new for him. In the first paragraph we see the repetition of the word â€Å"it†, which indicates Nikolas’s strong desire to get into the lumber-room. It was carefully sealed but this fact just stirred his curiosity. With the help of the metaphor â€Å"unimagined treasure† and description of the lumber-room (it was dimly lit), the author creates the mysterious atmosphere. Nicholas’s aunt is shown as rather conservative and mean as she prefer to consign things to dust and damp to preserve them and not to spoil.The metaphorical epithet â€Å"living breathing story† is used to show that Nickolas was impressionable, imaginative, full of creative ideas with poetic nature. It is understood indirectly through Nicholas’s attitude to the tapestry picture, which he sees for the first time but creates a vivid fairytale with a great number of small details. And the questions used in this paragraph indicate the dynamically developing plot of the fairytale in the N’s mind. The metaphorical epithet â€Å"golden minutes† is used to show that the time Nickolas spends in the lumber-room is very precious.When N finishes with the picture he notices other objects of delight and interest. The great number of epithets used in this part such as: objects of delight, (claiming his) instant attention, quaint candlesticks, undreamed-of creatures and the metaphorical expression â€Å"for the eyes to feast on† – emphasizes the fact that N isn’t used to such unusual things and it makes the opposition to the things in the house, which are â€Å"bare† and â€Å"cheerless†, dull and shapeless. The use of the exclamatory marks shows highly emotional state of the boy.Suddenly, the scream and then shriek of the aunt come from the gooseberry garden. But N smiles as he feels his victory in the war. Being skilled tactician he restores things to their places, shakes some dust on them, creeps from the room, locks the door and replaces the key exactly where he had found it. He saunters into the garden considering himself the winner of the battle. The 4th part can be entitled as â€Å"The rebellion†. Nickolas hears his aunt’s voice from the gooseberry garden where she gets into the rain-water tank while searching for him and she can’t get out as the sides are slippery.She asks him to help but he says that he isn’t to go into the garden and suspects her being the Evil One that tempts him to be disobedient. We see now that Nickolas pronounces the aunt’s usual phrase and thus fights her with her own weapon. This idea is proved with the using the metaphor â€Å"the prisoner in the tank†. So, the person who rescues the aunt is a kitchemaid. During the evening tea there is fearsome silence. The children are disappointed with the trip as there was the tide and there was no sands to play on and the metaphor punitive expedition contributes the state of the children.The aunt suffers the situation in the tank and only Nickolas, who is to be in disgrace is satisfied and thinks about the continuation of the story pictured in his mind while watching tapestry in the lumber-room. The story ends again with the antithesis of unchangeable conventional reality and poetry and intellectual freedom. On the whole this text appeals to me as it shows the problems of human nature and children up-bringing. The aunt is a conventional person who tries to keep everything as it is, without any change.She has no joy in her life and she brings up the children in the way that leads them to the same attitude to the world. But in spite of this, N, a young but extremely wise and clever boy, sees the things from the different side. He is very curious; he enjoys the world and tries to broaden his horizon. This problem of upbringing is still quite acute and the story helps to see it from another side. Moreover, the author makes an abundant usage of different stylistic devices which produce ironical and humorous effect and helps to ridicule such way of up-bringing through the character of the aunt and this makes the story even more vivid.