Monday, September 30, 2019

Differences Between Austria and India

My chosen countries are India and Austria. In this paper I will try to find the similar and dissimilar things of these countries. These two countries are very different. Austria is located in Europe, when India’s location is Asia. First of all I would like to present Austria’s and India’s nature. Austria is terrestrial land. This country has no access to the sea but with India everything is in different way. India has access not to the sea, but to the ocean. These two countries have one similar thing – the mountains. In Austria the mountains are called Alps and in India – Himalays. The climate in Austria is continental, the same as in other countries of Europe. In this country there are four seasons in the year. India’s climate is tropical, and it has only three seasons per year. Austria’s landscape is full of hills, woods and rivers. India’s landscape contains of deserts, jungles and flatlands. So here we can see big differences between my chosen countries. Secondly I would like to present the culture of these countries. Austria is famous by compositors, writers and painters which are known in whole world. In this country there are many theaters, cinemas, shopping centers, museums, galleries and other cultural objects. People in Austria are very businesslike. Many of them most time in the week wears formal clothes. Most of the Austria's population is registered as Roman Catholic by religion. India is very religious country. Everything in India is based on religion. Indian people are very hospitable. Even if they don’t have anything to eat, their guests will never be left hungry. The respect for elders is a major fact in Indian culture. The traditional dress of India is called sari. This dress can be worn by all local festivals. India's diversity is visible in its languages, religions, dance, music, architecture and customs. By the culture India and Austria are very dissimilar, because their history and all traditions came from different ancestries. The third comparisons object is food. Austrian cooking is one of the most varied in Europe and includes German, Hungarian, Czech, and northern Italian dishes. A typical breakfast is coffee or milk with bread and butter or jam. Also they usually eat sausage served with mustard on a hard roll. Lunch is usually the main meal of the day and consists of soup and a main course of meat-sausage, chicken, beef, pork or fish. The best known traditional Austrian foods include Wiener Schnitzel and various elaborate cakes. Indian food is different from rest of the world not only in taste but also in cooking methods. Every single spice used in Indian dishes has purpose not for the taste but also in medicine range. All Indian food is dealt to four categories: East Indian, West Indian, South Indian and North Indian. Indians are always using rice, vegetables, garlic, milk and lots of spices in food preparation. It is not common for Indians to keep leftover food, if it is bought or made in one day it is consumed that same day. In Austria many people make food for at least two days, because they are to busy to make it everyday. Austria and India are very different; including climate, culture and food they have nothing in common.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Fast Food Essay Essay

America’s obesity is caused by numerous factors, that which are viewed differently by people. For example, many different people believe the problem of obesity is caused by over eating, increased portion sizes, lack of nutrition, and how fast food companies are going after children. These problems are all considered to be immense problems of obesity. Though, different people may believe only one of the followings is a major cause. Thus, it is of importance to discuss the reasons why. First of all, portion sizes from fast food restaurants have dramatically increased over the course of a few decades. In the article, â€Å"By Any Other Name, It’s Still a Supersize,† the author, Lisa R. Young, states that, â€Å"In the last few years, Hardee’s, Burger King and Wendy’s all have introduced 1,000-calorie-plus sandwiches stuffed with 12 ounces of beef – the amount of meat recommended for two days for most adults.† This shows that one meal can be more than half the average calories needed for individuals in a single day. Instead, people should avoid large quantities of food and should eat healthier. Consequently, big portion sizes are one of the factors of obesity. Second, fast food companies are deliberately targeting children as they are easy targets to go after. Kelly Brownell, the author of â€Å"Are Children Prey for Fast Food Companies?† says how Happy Meals from McDonalds are served with toys. These toys are advertised and are served with low nutritious food. â€Å"Only 12 of 3,039 possible kids’ meal combinations meet nutrition criteria for preschoolers.† However, if fast food companies would serve healthier foods to children, like fruits and milk, the statistics would increase. Also, these foods are high in sugar, and fat. Ultimately, companies targeting children with unhealthy food and toys can lead to a higher rate of children being obese or diabetic. Strangely enough, fast food mimicking fast casual places may actually be better and healthier due to its fresher ingredients. Julie Jargon writes the article, â€Å"Fast Food Aspires to ‘Fast Casual’†; and she states that fast food restaurants are up scaling their food. â€Å"In the hope of appealing to more-sophisticated consumers, fast-food chains are moving beyond simple cheeseburgers and tacos, adding fancier ingredients such as portabella mushrooms, citrus-herb marinated chicken, and pepper bacon.† This upgrade may be attracting more customers to the fast food industry, but they will be attracted to healthier foods. Therefore, it may not be as much as a leading cause as of obesity as other things. In conclusion, fast food companies have changed America for the worse over the course of a few years. Fast food places mostly have high fat and low nutritious portion sizes that shouldn’t be eaten daily. Families shouldn’t eat fast foods as much as they think they should, and instead should result in eating healthier, fresher products. Alternatives to fast food places may dramatically decrease obesity in America. America’s obesity epidemic may be led by the fast food industries.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

James Posts theory of global corporate citizenship Essay

James Posts theory of global corporate citizenship - Essay Example James Post rightly considers companies as stakeholders of the world. This can be estimated from the fact that the recent economic recession that has blanketed the whole world has caused a considerable damage to the business scenario. A lot of companies have downsized in order to save their expenses resulting into increased unemployment. Many people have lost their jobs in the recent years. This proves the fact that companies are stakeholders to the globe. Do you believe businesses have a moral obligation to integrate public work into their private work, or treat their private work as public work? Yes, businesses do have a moral obligation of integrating public work into the private work. As James Post rightly emphasizes, it is in the self interest of management not to be an entirely private good. Managers can enhance the life and profitability of their business by working for the achievement of societal commonwealth because this way, they will gain the consent and encouragement of th e stakeholders in the society. Where managers adopt such practices which are not directed at addressing a truly public concern, and where managers’ skills are treated as a totally private property, the business does not have many golden days and the continuity of business is threatened by social forces.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Housing Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Housing Law Assignment - Essay Example The procedure for evicting a Scottish secure tenant is provided in the Housing (Scotland) Act 2001. Schedule 2 to the said act provides grounds on which court may order recovery of possession. The landlord has to satisfy the sheriff that you have failed to pay rent due and also that it is reasonable to evict you, considering various factors such as the amount of arrears, reason for arrears including unemployment, past history of tenant, duties of the local authority pursuant to orders of eviction with regard to social welfare legislation e.g. Children (Scotland) Act 1995. You can take the following lines of defence. (1)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your employment was interrupted because of ill health and also because you did not get permanent employment. That you were hospitalized is also a factor which will be considered in your favour. (2)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   You are now receiving benefits from the government, and you pay your rents out of these. As per the observation in W oodspring DC v. Taylor [3], receipt of benefits by a tenant is a material factor to be considered while deciding the application for eviction. Similarly, in Angus Housing Association v. Fraser [4] it was held that the sheriff should consider the fact that arrears direct are being paid and rent is taken care of by housing benefit. (3)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The fact that you were sequestrated prior to the decree being passed against you means that it has not been considered by the sheriff. This is another important factor in your possible defence. (4)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The landlord tenant relationship imposes duties on the landlord. The windows of your bedroom are badly fitting and your landlord has not carried out repairs even after seven months of his being informed. It is not clear from the instructions, but additional expenditure for heating due to the condensation may have led to arrears or a part of it. Also, you are entitled to withhold rent till the landlord ca rries out the repairs necessary. As per the observation in Mary Galloway -v- City of Glasgow Council [5], the landlord should have repaired the house within a reasonable period from the date of notice and if not then they would be in breach of express and implied obligations to repair the house. (5)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Your landlord should have taken into account the fact that you are unemployed. Your limited income and ill health caused in all probability by the improper condition of the house are also considerable factors while deciding reasonability of eviction.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   According to a government assessment, about 40% of cases bought to the court resulted in a decree for eviction being issued. Less than 23% of the total cases bought to the court resulted in eviction.[6] On the basis of facts as you narrate them, there is a good chance of avoiding eviction. You can also seek full unemployment benefit from the government, as well as benef its for families. You are entitled for benefits because your children are dependant on you. Her Majesty’s Customs and Revenue department provides these benefits. It will take one year before some of your debts are automatically discharged. It will be of help to prepare a list of your creditors and see if you can defer payment to them until such time as you can get

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Coming to Conclution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coming to Conclution - Essay Example While it is necessary to consider the input offered by the stakeholders, such as grandparents and the social workers, long delays in gathering and evaluating the information can work to the detriment of the child. The study used in-depth focus groups with social workers to determine how, why, and in which fashion evidence could become tainted or distorted. The study pointed out the areas that the interviewees perceived as being prone to rendering an inadequate decision. The ability to weigh chronic and ongoing abuse against the emotionally charged single event of acute abuse was one of the difficulties pointed out by the study (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.57). The study contended that the less significant abuse that formed a pattern was often disregarded if there was some more recent evidence that demonstrated an ability to change (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.61). The study also demonstrated that the social workers were caught in a situation of conflicting roles. The study noted that while the social workers were expected to advocate for the parents, they are also in an adversarial role of, "†¦limit setters, enforcers and, if the case comes to court, witnesses "for the prosecution"" (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.59). These scenarios produce a situation where the parents and the children are not ful ly and adequately represented. The study recognized that delayed proceedings always work to the detriment of the child (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.60). Yet, all of the steps needed to acquire adequate and complete information results in delays. The study concluded by suggesting that the proceedings could be sped up and give a better outcome by eliminating the adversarial format that is currently used (Beckett, McKeigue, and Taylor, 2007, p.62). The researchers further recommend that the participants in the proceedings have a better support system to reduce the effect of personal goals and aid to keep the past in its

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

MHE514 Module 2 - SLP, Natural Disasters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

MHE514 Module 2 - SLP, Natural Disasters - Essay Example arge-scale losses of life, the destruction of property, widespread illness and injury, the displacement of large numbers of people, and devastating economic loss. Terrorists often use threats to: Create fear among the public, Try to convince citizens that their government is powerless to prevent terrorism, Get immediate publicity for their causes. (General Information about Terrorism) The recent Mumbai attack is the last in the history of terrorist attacks. â€Å"Multiple sites in the Indian city of Mumbai were attacked with bombs and gunfire in a coordinated terror attack that began on November 26, 2008 and lasted for three days. The attacks killed 179 people, including at least 22 foreigners. Over 300 injuries were reported.† (Mumbai Terrorist Attacks) Pakistan’s involvement in the Mumbai attack is crystal clear to international community. But still Pakistan is reluctant to accept their involvement though the Indian government has submitted evidences for Pak involvement to Pakistan as well as international community. The main reason behind the Mumbai attack can be attributed to many factors such as political, economical and religious as well. Pakistan is afraid of the growth of India as a world power. India, supposed to be have the fastest growing economy in the world apart from China. Recent reports showed that in 20 years time India will become a super power. India’s domination in world political arena is more than enough for the Pakistanis to digest. More over the destruction of Babri Masjid, by Hindu fundamentalists has contributed immensely to the conflicts between Hindus and Muslims not only in India, but all over the world. Kashmir issue is another factor which can be attributed to the current attack. Pakistan wanted to slow down India’s economic progress. India is definitely utilizing the possibilities of Globalization because of the large human resources and infrastructure facilities. On the other hand Pakistan is often agitated with political

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Business Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Communication - Essay Example Nervousness leads to confusion during the presentation; hence one should calm down through relaxation methods including deep breathing and drinking a lot of water. The use of audio visual aids makes presentation easier especially when covering a technical issue. The steps that should be followed in meeting the expectations of the audience are by knowing them before the presentation, mingling with them as well as engaging them in the presentation. Audiovisual aids are efficient tools when it comes to making business presentations. This is because audiovisual aids are more effective in demonstrating figures and trends in business. 2The use of audio visual aids allows the audience to be more engaged in the presentation. They help to make the presentation more understandable and memorable. To demonstrate how the net sales have increased over the years, audiovisual aids are effective as they can be easily understood and are memorable. This information can be represented using various ways . The best way is by use of line graphs that show the amount of sales over the years. The other method is by use of bar charts which are appropriate for all forms of numerical comparisons. These are the two methods that can be used to represent the data appropriately. There are different ways of ensuring connection with the audience and responsiveness to their specific needs. There is the need to create a rapport with the audience before the presentation starts. This is by talking to them before the presentation begins which creates a chance to connect with them. Maintaining eye contact throughout the presentation establishes a connection with the audience. 1The presentation should be in a simple and convincing manner. The presenter connects with the audience by approaching the presentation from their perspective. The presenter shows responsiveness to the needs of the audience, as stated earlier, by getting to know them before the presentation. This can also be done by paying specia l attention to their body language and facial expression as it helps them to determine their feelings about the presentation and act accordingly. An example of a chronological resume Name Street Town Address Cell OBJECTIVE Searching for a vacancy where I can apply my knowledge and skills as a market analyst in a highly competitive business environment. STRENGTHS AND SKILLS Committed, diligent, visionary and a peoples person. Proficient in conducting market research and analysis. Excellent analytical capabilities. Exemplary public speaking and presentation skills. EXPERIENCE 2011 to present Employer Has worked for Motion as a market analyst for research in a highly competitive climate where new phone models are introduced. Position A market analyst Responsibilities Conducting market research. Analyzing trends in the market. Making monthly, quarterly and annual presentations to the members at the head office. 2009- 2011 Employer Matrix Company Position Research assistant Responsibilit ies Conducting market research. Compiling data collected from market researches. General office work. EDUCATION Bachelor of Business in Marketing, November 2007, Illinois State University, Illinois. There are basic steps that should be followed in the presentation to ensure the message is passed. This is by keeping it

Monday, September 23, 2019

Unemployment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Unemployment - Essay Example But these individuals are not able to find employment at the legal minimum rate of pay due to insufficient economic opportunities within their locality or their skill set. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics lists individuals as unemployed if they are without a job, have been actively seeking work with in the past four weeks – and are available for employment. In terms of defining when a person qualifies as actively looking for work there are a number of behaviors that identify those presently seeking labor: attempting to contact employment agencies, or an employee or directly for the purpose of seeking job interviews. Other methods include attending career centers at local universities, or simply querying friends and acquaintances with respect to obtaining employment. Other activities that define an active job seeker would include dispersal of physical resumes or online applications when available, or networking with local labor unions and other professional organiza tions, or actively seeking and answering advertisements relating to employment (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009) the involuntarily unemployed are those who are actively seeking opportunities. There are passive measures of searching for employment that do not qualify the individual as being a person actively seeking work. Simply reading advertisements or taking training courses are career related, but are not active. Before any given a job interview, the active job seeker must have been engaged in one active job search within the four preceding weeks while available for employment. These categories are significant with respect to the government assistance with the intent of correcting involuntary unemployment. Categories and behaviors must be identified, and quantified in order to generate effective measures for supporting or addressing those who are seeking work but unable to find it. Many government surveys are also aware of the complexities of measuring unemployment where su bsistence farming exists, and questions to determine employment status attempt to specifically identify those engaging in private, family businesses or farming related activities. The temporal designation of four weeks is necessary, because for planning and funding purposes it is more efficient for government agencies to deal with quantifiable numerical values by which they can assign categories (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). Failure to get work can be voluntary, but the only objective indicator of economic viability in this field would be involuntary unemployment. This has implications for government and economists alike, because the rate at which involuntary unemployment occurs is indicative of larger trends or weaknesses within society. VARIATIONS OF EMPLOYMENT Yet there are still deviations from employment in the standard labor markets owned by corporatized private sector entities. In some countries, it can be difficult to measure the true rates of unemployment where l arge-scale subsistence farming occurs, for instance. Individuals outside the model of regular wage employment as common in the industrialized world also create complications for survey analysts. In addition to subsistence farming, there are others who work for occasional wages on an as needed basis temporarily, and some countries may have significant cottage industries that may or may

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Forum Discussion Activities Essay Example for Free

Forum Discussion Activities Essay Please post your response to ONE of the following questions in the Forum by Wednesday, midnight, of Week 3. Then please post at least three responses to other student’s postings by Saturday, midnight, of Week 3. * You are the Vice President of a US based software company. You have been tasked with exploring the possibility of setting up a software development operation in India. You have heard that the rigid caste systems can affect business operations. Do you think it is possible to use a typical US management style in India or should you adjust to the local Indian managerial style and employment practices? Explain. Forum Discussion Week 3 – Question #2 Businesses create strategies for setting up relationships with other countries based upon the type of product involved and whether their entry is in the product market or the resource market. â€Å"Strategy† within this global framework most closely resembles a ‘marketing strategy’ that addresses target markets, segmentation, positioning and allocation of resources. Discuss the various strategies outlined within the text reading and which one or two seem to fit your final project country and product best. Provide a glimpse of your final paper by discussing the product and country you have selected and post and respond to students related to what product you have chosen and whether you are entering in the product or resource markets. Written Assignments Case Study 2 Write a 2-3 page analysis of the Case Study entitled, â€Å"Argentina’s Monetary Crisis† located in Chapter 10 of the text. Upload the paper to the Assignments Drop Box by Saturday, midnight, of Week 3. Course Project: Market Entry Analysis You should have by selected your country and product and begun your environmental research. A learning objective this week is to move from environment to strategy. Outlining your country and product choice, begin a thread on the Forum related to entry strategies as outlined in the text. Elicit comments from your classmates on your choices and begin to formulate your strategy. Learning from this milestone can be incorporated into the final paper due Week 5. * You are the Vice President of a pharmaceutical company that makes anti-malarial drugs. You are looking at the possibility of opening up a factory as a JV with the local government in an African country with high levels of malaria. At present, the majority of people in this country cannot afford the high prices of anti-malarial drugs from outside the country, but by building the plant locally, you would not only provide jobs but also your company could supply anti-malarial drugs to the local population at half the current price. In a meeting with a local government official, you are told that the plant can go forward if you pay the official $100,000 in cash. What are your options and what would you do? My options are to pay the $100,000 or not to pay it based on the company policy. Facilitation payments are still permitted by some countries. We would give the $100,000 to the officials in cash, and then we would also try to negotiate a 5 year tax break. And to recover the $100,000 given to officials, we would charge an extra 15 cents per vaccine sold to recoup the $100,000. We would say the fund is just the price of doing business and setting up relationships outside the US. This bribery is similar to what some city inspectors do when they want to give you a hard time. There has been times where if you didn’t have a nice hot cup of coffee with a $100 bill under it that the inspector would fail you just so you would have to pay another $250 for another inspection. The $100,000 that we would pay as a company could negotiate a vast amount of things per the article below. Interestingly, when the FCPA was initially passed in 1977, the facilitating payment exception was found under the definition of foreign official. However, with the 1988 Amendments, a more explicit exception was written into the statute making it clear that the anti-bribery provisions â€Å"shall not apply to any facilitating or expediting payment to a foreign official, political party, or party official the purpose of which is to expedite or to secure the performance of a routine governmental action . . .† The statute itself provided a list of examples of facilitation payments in the definition of routine governmental actions. It included the following: * Obtaining permits, licenses, or other official documents; * Processing governmental papers such as visas and work orders; * Providing police protection, mail services, scheduling inspections; * Providing utilities, cargo handling; or * Actions of a similar nature. You are the Vice President of a US based software company. You have been tasked with exploring the possibility of setting up a software development operation in India. You have heard that the rigid caste systems can affect business operations. Do you think it is possible to use a typical US management style in India or should you adjust to the local Indian managerial style and employment practices? Explain. I would say yes I would use a typical US management style in India. I agree that adapting to India’s culture, managerial style and employment practices are great and would probably be best. But for the very same reason we are expanding aboard and going to India is because our business model has already been accepted by the culture. You only expand to markets if they are the right fit for the company. Bringing something new, innovative and showing India the way that our US company does business may just be intriguing to the country and accepted in ways never seen before; the only thing that matter is if the product sells. McDonalds is a great example; McDonalds is everywhere and consumers shop with McDonalds because the golden arches are known globally, and the business model is a cookie cutter from store to store, nothing changes. Understanding how cultural differences can affect the way in which a business is practiced, Employing local citizens, mixing managerial staff ,educating ourselves about the culture are great and must do’s, but keeping the company’s business model intact and adjusting to the environment is the key to protecting ourselves from the danger of being ill-informed. Business and money are both universal languages and there are more ways to make it work within a proven system than not. Businesses create strategies for setting up relationships with other countries based upon the type of product involved and whether their entry is in the product market or the resource market. â€Å"Strategy† within this global framework most closely resembles a ‘marketing strategy’ that addresses target markets, segmentation, positioning and allocation of resources. Discuss the various strategies outlined within the text reading and which one or two seem to fit your final project country and product best. Provide a glimpse of your final paper by discussing the product and country you have selected and post and respond to students My product selection is infection prevention, innovative sterilization, disinfection and hand hygiene products that will be sold in Canada. * The International Strategy I think would work the best for my product. Medical products and medical technical equipment accounts for $8.8 billion in US export revenue which is ranked number 6 on the list of top exports to Canada from the US. Infection prevention, innovative sterilization, disinfection and hand hygiene products are produced in the US but, are needed worldwide. Currently the US is the major exporter Medical products, medical technical equipment to Canada; also Leading US pharmaceutical companies have production, RD facilities, and distribution offices in many locations across Canada. Among them are Abbott Point-of-Care, Johnson Johnson, Pfizer, Novartis, and others. The medical devices industry in Canada is also among the largest in the world. Medical device companies operating in Canada incorporate advanced technologies and the newest discoveries. Our main focus is on helping to ensure the safest possible environments for patients and their families, healthcare workers, providers and communities. Our quality infection prevention products help care for both the people and the world we live in. * The Global Standardization stratedgy is great because the pro that will be sold are all relatively standard, and will be distributed the same way. Customization is not needed to the products themselves, the only thing that will need adjustments is the language, all sterilization equipment, solutions, and products are manufactured the same and have the same technology. I am selling a pacemaker in Australia. The International Strategy would be the best for my product. It is produced in the US currently and does not need customization to sell in Australia. Pacemakers fulfill a universal need. Australia imports 85-90% of medical devices. Currently the US is the major exporter of medical supplies to Australia followed by Germany, Japan and the EU. There is no pressure to reduce costs. A strategic alliance may be needed down the road if a strong competitor does start to emerge. It is important that the pacemaker evolves over time or competitors will develop a better product. Global Standardization may be an option because customization of the pacemaker is not needed. It is a universal product. Costs will be low. Aggressive pricing can be used. The drawback is a competitor may create a better product through evolution. Localization would not work because customization is not needed. Consumer tastes and preferences do not come into play for this product. Transnational is also not needed at this time because cost is not a factor and customization for local demands do not exist. This is a complex strategy that I will not need to apply. Because of local culture, I will need to find a local agent to work with in Australia. The aging population, demands for a higher quality of life and increasing affluence have created a demand for quality medical devices. Reference: Global Business Today My project is to import car care and weather resistant equipment into Canada. This is not a new idea and it is not a product that cannot be found really anywhere in the world. The strategy that seems to fit my project best is the international strategy. The reason is that it is not unique in idea. The vital importance is expanding the market for the product. There will be minimal change to the product and with the non existent trade barriers of NAFTA importation will go smoothly. Since the majority of the Canadian population lives so close to the US borer transportation costs will not extend far beyond deliveries to the NorthEast/NorthWest. The other option would be a Localization strategy as we could focus on specific markets such and alternative transportation vehicles equipment that are used in the snowbound areas. The Localization strategy is the most important in the marketing aspect.The localization and transnational strategies are the best matches for my proposed product which is a UK-based channel on YouTube that is mostly ran from the United States. My product is based on my current occupation and we have several international channels that have launched with steady success. There are four major international business strategies: globalization, transnational, international, and localization. Globalization strategy occurs when a firm focuses on profit by utilizing economies of scale, localization, and learning efforts. This strategy is the most helpful when firms are pressured to reduce costs and local responsiveness is low. International strategy occurs when a firm creates value by selling products internationally that were created domestically and do not require significant customization. Transnational strategy occurs when a firm tries to achieve lower costs by economies of scale, localization, and learning efforts and also focusing on products that are tailored to local markets. Economies of scale and learning efforts will not be factors within my strategy, however localization plays a large role. Because some of the content on the channel will be created in the UK to create a sense of community, creative contractors will create the content which lends itself to a more identifiable relationship with consumers. Expanding a content-based business from the United States to the UK benefits best from concise localization strategy. Content that is tailored for a consumer in the UK adheres to high local responsibility. Because both countries are English-speaking, content can be shared by both venues and avoid translation costs or and also reduce cost of creating content. This may help alleviate the localization strategy’s characteristic struggle to lower the high pressure for cost reductions. References: Hill, C. W. (2011). Global Business Today (7th Edition ed.). New York, NY, USA: McGraw-Hill. I am selling a pacemaker in Australia. The International Strategy would be the best for my product. It is produced in the US currently and does not need customization to sell in Australia. Pacemakers fulfill a universal need. Australia imports 85-90% of medical devices. Currently the US is the major exporter of medical supplies to Australia followed by Germany, Japan and the EU. There is no pressure to reduce costs. A strategic alliance may be needed down the road if a strong competitor does start to emerge. It is important that the pacemaker evolves over time or competitors will develop a better product. Global Standardization may be an option because customization of the pacemaker is not needed. It is a universal product. Costs will be low. Aggressive pricing can be used. The drawback is a competitor may create a better product through evolution. Localization would not work because customization is not needed. Consumer tastes and preferences do not come into play for this product. Transnational is also not needed at this time because cost is not a factor and customization for local demands do not exist. This is a complex strategy that I will not need to apply. Because of local culture, I will need to find a local agent to work with in Australia. The aging population, demands for a higher quality of life and increasing affluence have created a demand for quality medical devices.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Halot, Elizabeth-Jane and Their Gender Roles Essay Example for Free

The Halot, Elizabeth-Jane and Their Gender Roles Essay â€Å"Dont be the girl who fell. Be the girl who got back up.†-Jeanette Stanley. The Mayor of Casterbridge by Thomas Hardy introduces the readers to Elizabeth-Jane and Lucetta, two girls of both different means personalities. The comparison by Thomas Hardy of Elizabeth-Jane and Lucetta reveals two different sides of the gender barriers that faced young women in the 1800’s. This comparison shows that Hardy is an early feminist. This is shown through examining each girl’s respective personality, their friendship, how each handles it, and the gender role side that each are portraying. Elizabeth-Jane is the book’s heroine. She is the daughter of Susan and Henchard. Elizabeth- Jane is quiet and shy. Elizabeth-Jane also cares a large amount about doing what’s proper. She worries about her friend Lucetta’s reputation, and how to fix it. Elizabeth- Jane is an all-out good person. She seeks to better herself by studying, â€Å"Knowledge-the result of great natural incite- she did not lack; learning, accomplishments-those, alas, she had not† (Hardy 82). Elizabeth-Jane has this passion to learn more that the reader does come to admire about her. She is not too concerned about finding a man to marry. Elizabeth- Jane seems content to just learn and be alone. However, when it comes to Elizabeth-Jane and men, the reader see an entirely new side of her. When Lucetta effectively replaces her in Farfrae’s mind, she just lets it go and goes on with her life. Yes she’s miffed for about five seconds but in the end she just leaves and moves on. It is this fact that makes it hard to root for Elizabeth-Jane in the end. On the entirely other side the reader encounters Lucetta. Lucetta is Elizabeth-Jane’s only friend in the world. She is vain and petty. Lucetta is Henchard’s former lover. She was young and naive. She blabbed her mouth everywhere and with the help of Michael Henchard ruined her reputation. This left her in ruin and she wrote a ton of love notes to him. All of this happens because he promises to marry her. The most important thing to know about Lucetta is that she is a manipulator. She will cry in order to get what she wants from men. In this regard she is brilliant and the reader looks upon her with both disgust and admiration. The reader see’s Lucetta for one of her more human qualities as follows, â€Å"‘Bring me a looking glass. How do I appear to people?’ She asks languidly. ‘Well- a little worn’, answered Elizabeth-Jane† (161). Lucetta is well aware that once her beauty is gone, she will never be able to find another man to marry her. She also knows that she has two choices if she wants to remain proper, she can stay single because she has been ruined or she can marry again and hope that her past never comes back to haunt her. This then leads the reader to the realization that she will not only do anything to get a man but s he also will do anything to keep her scandal in the past. This includes stepping on her friend in order to accomplish this. This form of her personality is not surprising, given the time period. Now there’s the friendship between Elizabeth-Jane and Lucetta. This unlikely friendship starts out in a grave yard, specifically at Elizabeth-Jane’s mothers grave. Both of these young women are there for very different reasons; Elizabeth-Jane is having a pity party because Henchard was mean to her, and Lucetta is finding out if Susan is really dead because she is still after Henchard at this point in the book. From this meeting Elizabeth-Jane gets both a friend and a new place to live. As this friendship grows, it becomes clear how differently both of these young women approach friendship. Elizabeth-Jane listens to Lucetta vent about her affair, â€Å" ‘This person- a lady- once admired a man much- very much’, she said tentatively. ‘Ah’, said Elizabeth-Jane† (160). Elizabeth-Jane doesn’t judge her; she listens to her and tries to help Lucetta. On the other hand, Lucetta doesn’t act like a good friend, at least not by the readers parameters. She does try however, â€Å"My husband is downstairs. He will live here till a more suitable house is ready for us; and I have told him that I want you to stay with me just as before† (200). Lucetta is so wrapped up in herself, and the fact that she found a way to remain respectable that she doesn’t realize just how terrible that statement really is in regards to Elizabeth-Jane. She figures that all she had to do to remain a good friend to Elizabeth-Jane is make sure she still has somewhere to live. That by the reader’s definition is not a good friend. This leads the readers to the gender role sides each; Elizabeth-Jane and Lucetta are on. Elizabeth-Jane is the modern women according to Hardy. She wants to learn and become more intelligent. Elizabeth-Jane also by the end of the book becomes independent and able to take care of herself and Henchard. The readers see this independence when she says, â€Å"Father-I will not leave you alone like this! She cried. May I live with you, and tend upon you as I used to do? I do not mind your being poor. I would have agreed to come this morning, nut you did not ask me† (278). Elizabeth-Jane doesn’t ask her father if she can come with him, she tells him that she’s coming with him. Over the book she has gained enough gumption that she no longer cares what Henchard wants, Elizabeth-Jane only cares about what he needs. It is for this fact that the readers can classify Hardy as an early day Feminist. He portrays Elizabeth-Jane as the only character with any redeemable characteristics. She grows over the course of the books, when the person that she is compared with dies a very stereotypical death for a woman in the 1800’s. Lucetta is a complicated individual. The reader has a love hate relationship with her when it comes to the side she’s on for gender roles. Lucetta does embody the perfect 18th century women. She understands that she has to fix the scandal that rocked her life. Lucetta also understands that she needs to get a man to marry her and keep him with her no matter what. One of the ways she guarantees this is, â€Å"He knew his wife was with child†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (266). Lucetta gets pregnant. The thinking behind this is that Farfrae can’t leave her pregnant and still keep his business and reputation intact. This is a classical move for her, which fits within the gender role that has been set up for her. Lucetta also uses varying forms of manipulation on people throughout the book. The first of such is, â€Å"’you’re probably aware of my arrangement with your daughter, and have doubtless laughed at the-what shall I call it- practical joke†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬  (139). with this simple statement Lucetta is doing her best to lure Henchard over to her house. She knows that things are bad between him and Elizabeth-Jane, and saw an opportunity to make a move to right her ruined reputation. Lucetta is quite good at making people do what she wants. This fact is more telling than any of the other things she does in the entire book of how this young girl was raised. The other part of Lucetta proving that she is the perfect 18th century young women is what she does when she thinks her secret is getting out. She does as follows, â€Å"She stood motionless for one second—then fell heavily to the floor† (260). Instead of dealing with the fact that her scandal had come back to haunt her, Lucetta simply falls to the floor. This is a normal reaction to things like this for young women in the=is time period. It was expected of them. The men had decided that women were so fragile that they couldn’t really handle much. In the end Lucetta dies from a severe miscarriage. This could have been helped if Lucetta had just faced her scandal and lived with the consequences. Hardy used Lucetta to show the readers just where lying, manipulation and running away from things get them. Lucetta is a well-used character when it comes to understanding the complex gender roles of the 18000’s. In conclusion the reader can learn a lot about gender barriers from reading Hardy’s novel. It is the comparison of Elizabeth-Jane and Lucetta that gives the reader a clear look into exactly what they faced in regards to gender barriers. It is this specific comparison that opens the reader’s eyes to the fact that hardy is an early day feminist. The reader can see this the clearest when reading about Elizabeth-Jane. She is shy and simple in the beginning of the book, by the end however she is strong and independent. Elizabeth-Jane does go through a transformation into the bright young women that Hardy is trying to demonstrate. Then the reader has Lucetta, she is petty and simple minded. Lucetta is also the perfect 18th century young women. She has been raised to use the gender barriers to her advantage. Lucetta faints when things don’t go her way, she manipulates men into doing what she wants till she doesn’t want them anymore, and she keeps secrets and lies no matter what. In the end she gets what she deserves, Lucetta dies having a miscarriage. She faints and panics when it looks like her scandal is going to be revealed to her husband and the entire town. Once she faints, she starts to miscarry and ends up dying because of it. This fact is Hardy telling the readers that if you lie and manipulate people than you will lose in the end. The comparison of these two young women makes it clear how hardy felt toward women. He thought that women were worth a second look; they could learn and be smart. They didn’t have to just be a piece of arm candy for men to parade around whenever they wanted to. To embody this he portrays Elizabeth-Jane as the modern young women and Lucetta as the stereotypical 18th century young women. Throughout the book the readers root for both Lucetta and Elizabeth-Jane. By the end of this book however they are rooting for Elizabeth-Jane to come out on top and are secretly glad that Lucetta has died. The good news is that in the end Elizabeth-Jane is the girl who fell by she is also the girl who got back up and became something better than before.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Developmental Psychology: Research Methods

Developmental Psychology: Research Methods BOTTE Christopher Louis Cellio Outline and evaluate the research methods employed by developmental psychologists. Developmental psychology is defined by Muir Slater(2003) as the discipline that attempts to describe and explain the changes that occur over time in thoughts, behavior, reasoning and functioning of an individual due to biological, individual and environmental influences. Any developmental psychologist, in its way to try to describe and explain the changes in an individual over time, need to find out what research design combined with research method will be best to gather information to be able to effectively carry its research. In the following paragraphs I will start by explaining the different research methods that are currently used by developmental psychologist. Lastly I will take some question asked by some psychologist from past studies that have been made and try to evaluate the research methods used in it. Research methods can be broken into two parts: qualitative research method and quantitative research method. The distinction between those two types of research methodologies is that qualitative methods are essentially used for exploratory researches, using unstructured or semi-structured techniques such as naturalistic observation and clinical interviews. Exploratory research, defined by Wikipedia is, â€Å"research conducted for a problem that has not been clearly defined.† The quantitative methods are used to quantify the gathered information by generating numeral data so that the data can be statistically used for description and interpretation of information from a large population. Structured observation, structured interviews and tests are some examples of quantitative research methods. As said in the preceding paragraphs, there are different types of research methods. Let us now outline and evaluate the different research methods by using past psychological studies so that we can see those research methods in a real context. Descriptive Methods It is in the human nature to observe others and to draw conclusion about their behaviour. We have to admit that we often judge people by their body language. In fact, scientist like psychologist also draw conclusion from people behaviours by observing them. There is a lot to learn just by observing people. The difference between a simple individual’s observation of an event and the observation of a psychologist is that, the scientific observation is done under precisely defined conditions, it is done systematically and objectively. In addition, the event they are observing is carefully recorded. As it is very difficult to study all behaviours and large population at a time, a representative sample of behaviour should be chosen accordingly to the study they are carrying. The sample should be as good as possible for the external validity of the study. External validity means the extent to which the findings from the observations can be generalized. Other than a good representative sample, psychologist have to choose a good time sampling as it enable psychologist to be exposed to the behaviour of interest at different period of the day. For instance, while observing a group of workers to assess their stress level (in work place), they should be observed for the whole day in order to generalize their findings. They cannot be observed only in the morning, where they are still fresh. Instead, they should be observed at different periods of the day or of the week, where under pressure of work, they express different behaviours. Another important factor to make a good observation is situation sampling. Situation sampling is choosing another sample, in another place and under different conditions and circumstances. Situation sampling enhances the external validity of the research findings. There are two distinct types of observation. One is naturalistic or direct observation. It can be both qualitative and quantitative research method. In this type of observation, the researcher is on field, observes and records (written) its subjects in their natural setting. The strength of this method is that, when observing on field the researcher can see the everyday behavior that the subjects expresses. The subject’s behaviours are not biased by the fact that they are being observed by the researcher because they do not know that they are being observed. The drawback is that the researcher is not in control of the situation, therefore he may fail to see the behaviour he is interested in. Also naturalistic observation is often time consuming. Example of naturalistic observation are work of (Farver Branstetter, 1994) in which they observed preschooler prosocial response to their peers’ distress. Another example is the study of (Matsumoto Willingham, 2006) where the observed athletes in their natural setting of an olympic judo competition. The second type of observation also can be both quantitative and qualitative research method. It is the structured observation. This kind of observation is done in laboratory setting, where the researcher reproduce as much as possible real life setting in order to facilitate the occurrence of the behaviour of interest. The laboratory is also set in a way in which every participants can equally display this desired behaviour. The advantages of this research method is that the experimenter can control the laboratory experiment to get the desirable behaviour from the subjects. The drawback is that, very often the subjects will show an admirable and unnatural behavior to impress the researcher because they know that they are being studied. Garner (2003) set a laboratory observation to study the emotional reactions, to harm that two-year-old children thought they had caused. Self-Reports There are three common types of self-report procedures that developmental researcher uses to ask research participants to give information on their perception, thought, abilities, feeling, attitudes and past experiences. These types of self-report methods can be relatively unstructured interviews such as clinical interviews to highly structured interviews and questionnaires. Clinical interview is a type of self-report method. The researcher, which is also the interviewer and the research participant engage in a conversation for a given period of time where the participant give his point of view of the subject in discussion. The advantages of this method is that the researcher can see the way the participant expresses its thought in its everyday life and also a lot of information can be gathered in a session. The disadvantages is that the participant can distort the way the use to think just to please the interviewer. Also when participants are asked questions about past events in their life, they do not remember things. In addition, as the clinical interview is based on conversation, one of the major problem that occurs is the fact that very often the participants has difficulty to put their thoughts into word. An example of clinical interview is the interview of Piaget to a 5-year-old child about dreams. (Piaget, 192611930, pp. 97-98) Structured interview can be both qualitative and quantitative research method in which each and every participants are ask the same set of question. It allows psychologist to gain time during the session as the questions are already prepared in advance. In this methods the psychologist has to prepare an interview schedule and has to stick to this schedule even if the participant is deviating from the focus of the interview. The questions set in the structured interview can be either open-ended or close-ended. The advantage is that this method is not time consuming as the questions are already pre-set but its drawback is that the answers that will result from the participants may still be affected by miscommunication of thought. Structured interview does not provide information in detail as clinical interview does. Questionnaires is a research method where a series of questions are asked for the purpose of obtaining information from respondent. It is considered as a written interview. Again, in this type of self-report interview the questions is set the same way for each participants/respondent. The outcome of this type of research may be very useful in statistical comparison. Questionnaire can be used for large populations at low cost and sometime this method can be quick if the questions asked are close ended. The limitations of this method is that it show little details about the respondents. Also, respondents may not be true in the expression of the feelings and thoughts even though questionnaires are confidential. Clinical or Case Study Method Case study method can provide a full range information on a subject. It is often used to study specific and interesting rare phenomena such as the case of Henry Gustav Molaison (Wikipedia 2015) who was an American memory disorder patient. This method analyses every event in the life the subject so as to give cues about how and why a subject is behaving like it is. Do women have better memories than men? Research suggest that women are better than men when there is a verbal material to remember. For example a list of words. Galea and Kimura (1993) did a laboratory experiment to test the hypothesis that woman have better memory than men. They tried to make an experiment to find if women were also better than men for remembering visual material. They showed the participants, women and men a series of simple and familiar images such as car, table and pen to remember. After that they had to recognise the remembered images in a second series of images. After the experiment, the results were in the advantage of the women. Indeed women remembered more images than men. But is this result true? It is not simple as that to interpret the results directly as they did. It is possible that the women encoded the simple images into simple words so that they were more likely to remember after. This experiment is not valid if the women stored the images as words. The experiment does not show that wome n are better than men in memorising simple images. Therefore we conclude that experiment should be done using specific methods. Do children think an object that is out of sight is out of mind? Jean Piaget is the pioneer of cognitive development in children. He started by observing children’s behaviours and study their responses to his questions. He therefore, develop his theoretical framework to show that every children pass through a series of cognitive stages. In each different stages, a new cognitive ability were acquired. One important milestone in his theory is the object permanence. Object permanence means knowing that when an object is out of sight does not mean out of existence. In the first stage of his theory, the sensorimotor stage starts from birth to the age of two. This stage is said to be the object concept. When doing the search A not B error test, children age around five months cease to search for an interesting object when the experimenter hid it. Piaget concluded that for the children the object has ceased to exist. For older children aged around nine months, they did search for the hidden object but made errors which he called place error, or AB error. The experiment procedure was like that, there were two cloth in front of the children. Let us name it cloth A and cloth B. The interesting object was shown to the child, then place under cloth A. The child successfully retrieved it. Just after the child has retrieved the object, the experimenter places the object under under cloth A and the child was able to retrieve the object again. Now the experimenter places the object under cloth B and this time the child ceases to search for the object. Piaget says that the 5 months old children cease to search because they lack cognitive abilities and they believe that when object disappears, it is just vanished and non-existent anymore. For the nine months old children, Piaget would argue that they have a better understanding of the world but the subjective, egocentrism perspective of the child dominates. How far can we rely on these observation made by Piaget? What are possible alternative explanation of such behaviour? Do children of five months really think that object cease to exist when they are out of their sight? A possible alternative explanation could be that five months children could not retrieve the object under the cloth because they lack motor skills to do it. They simply cannot hold themselves, they cannot bend forward and lift the cloth. If the reason that they do not search for the object when hidden is due to the lack of motor skills, then their cognition abilities has nothing to do with this experiment. Bower and Wishart (1982) did a laboratory experiment to test that 1 to 4 months children did not have object permanence. They tested if the heart rate of the children would rise when they saw an object disappear and then come back again. They hypotheses that if children age from 1 to 4 month did not have object permanence they would not react to the object when its reappears and their heart rate would not change. The result was that when the hidden object reappeared their heart rate did not rose. Therefore Bowen and Wishart concluded that the child had an expectation that the objec t was still there and did not disappeared. However, the moment when the object disappeared their heart rate rose showing their concern about the disappearance of the object. They have an understanding that the object is hidden by an obstacle (the cloth) but it is still there and eventually continues to exist. We have seen from the examples that one methods cannot fully explain some behaviours. Sometimes researcher should use different methods to get out the best from research. Criticism and critical evaluation of their methods and results help in getting reliable and valid research pieces. To conclude, the different methods works for specific event and time. The developmental psychologist should be careful when choosing their research method and designs. The psychologist in their way to describe and explain behaviour should ask themselves a good research question to correctly theorise their ideas and also they should take care of all variables that can interfere with their results. After the handling of those enumerated conditions, then their research results can be accepted and generalized. Reference list: Bower, T., Wishart, J. (1972). The effects of motor skill on object permanence.Cognition,1(2-3), 165-172. doi:10.1016/0010-0277(72)90017-0 Farver, J. M., Branstetter, W. H. (1994). Preschooler prosocial response to their peers distress.Developmental Psychology, 30,334-341. Galea, L., Kimura, D. (1993). Sex differences in route-learning.Personality And Individual Differences,14(1), 53-65. doi:10.1016/0191-8869(93)90174-2 Garner, P. (2003). Child and family correlates of toddlers emotional and behavioral responses to a mishap.Infant Mental Health Journal,24(6), 580-596. doi:10.1002/imhj.10076 Matsumoto, D., Willingham, B. (2006). The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat: Spontaneous expressions of medal winners of the 2004 Athens Olympic games.Journal Of Personality And Social Psychology,91(3), 568-581. doi:10.1037/0022-3514.91.3.568 Slater, A., Bremner, J. (2003).Introduction to developmental psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. Wikipedia,. (2015).Henry Molaison. Retrieved 8 February 2015, from 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? :: European Europe History

Why Was There Relative Stability in the Balkans, In the Period 1890-1908? Between the years of 1890 and 1908 there was a period of relative stability in the Balkan area. Whilst, in this essay, it is my primary objective to look at what factors caused this, it is first important to understand that the climate was only stable in comparison to the years before it - when there was great tension, argument and conflict. It would be naà ¯ve to assume that after 1890 there was none of the aforementioned; the importance of the word 'relative' should not be overlooked. Take, for example, the infamous Armenian massacres of 1894 and 1896. At that time there were about a million Armenians under Turkish rule. They were a badly oppressed minority, discriminated against in just about every conceivable way. When the Armenian people began to press for improved rights and independence, the Turkish reaction was to silence them through acts of murder. This is clearly not an act usually associated with stability. Another prime example that the stability in the Balkans was only ever relative is the crisis of 1903. The Serbian King was assassinated in a military coup and replaced by King Peter, who belonged to a different dynasty. He was pro-Russian which angered Austria-Hungary, who had been allied with Serbia. Austria-Hungary placed economic sanctions on the Serbs in the hope of forcing them back into an alliance, but this only succeeded in worsening relations between the two and pushing Serbia into Russian hands. That said, there is no doubt that the climate surrounding the Balkans was far more relaxed and stable between 1890 and 1908 than it had been for many decades beforehand. There were several factors that contributed to this, the primary reason being (in my opinion) the change in Russian foreign policy. Before 1890, Russian was often the root cause of tension and conflict, because of her foreign policy objectives - she had two principle objectives: to unite the Slav people of the Balkans, in order to create a 'Greater Motherland', and also to gain greater access to The Straits. This was most evident in the Russian-Turkish war of 1877, where Russia had emerged victorious, and attempted to create a 'Bigger Bulgaria' of Slav people in the (eventually) abortive treaty of San Stefano. After 1890 Russia felt that if they continued to pursue their interests in the Balkans, it was a lot of trouble for possibly no gain, so instead she began looking to the East and the far greater opportunities for expansion in China, Japan and Manchuria.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

series reasons :: essays research papers

These are reasons from every Evangelion episode and movie. Most of the information isn't in order. I really hae to go back and fix that, but you can deal with it for now . . . Episode I: 1) Rei appears as a mirage in the the beginning. This could have many meanings, like it tell us what kind of person Shinji is. When Shinji met Rei in front of Eva Unit 01 later in the show, he looked at her, as if he'd seen her before. De ja vu = love, and I don't think they put that there for no readon. (Borrowed from Ryan Xavier's Shinji/Rei site) 2) Shinji pilots Evangelion Unit 01 (who has rejected everyone up to now) and uses it to fight the Third Angel just so Rei won't pilot it and get destroyed. We can call Rei the damsel in distress in this scene. Episode II: 1) We only see Rei one in this episode, and that's when she's on a stretcher. She merely gazes at Shinji, and Shinji gazes back. We all know Rei is a thinking person, questioning her feelings. She could be contemplating why this boy decided to pilot Unit 01 just so she wouldn't die. Remember, she is "expendable". Episode V: 1) Shinji notices that Rei is always alone. He wonders why, and continues to think about this "girl who has no friends". 2) He gropes over her. Accident or no accident, it's undeniably intamacy. Episode VI: 1) Shinji burns his hands and leaves permenant marks on them while trying to pull Rei out of the entry plug. After he sees Rei is alright, he breaks down in tears. I don't remember him doing so for anyone else. 2) Rei smiles for Shinji. The firt time in her fourteen years of life she does so for another person. (Gendou doesn't count, he was a parent figure) Episode IX: 1) Shinji and Asuka have been living in the same apartment, yet Shinji and Rei pull off a perfect synch during the synch training. Many people have said this is because Yui Ikari's soul is within Rei. Wrong. Yui's soul is within Unit 01. The perfect synch between the two could be a sign . . . Episode XI: 1) As the Eva Pilots are going to Nerv, and when the pilots are climbing the vents, Rei's eyes go to Shinji.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Frenemies Script

Cast Bella Thorne – Rose Zendaya – Selena Stefanie Scott – Chloe Mary Mouser- Kimberly/ Brooke Nick Robinson- Jake Murray- Lucky Everyone is at school. Kimberly and Brooke are in Social Studies. Kimberly: â€Å"Don’t you think this class is boring? † Brooke: â€Å"No, I like learning about different countries! † Kimberly: â€Å"Whatever. † Brittney and her boyfriend are talking and trying to figure out how she’s going to go to a party on Saturday after her mom said no. Brittney: â€Å"Babe, can’t we just sneak out? †Boyfriend: â€Å"Alright, pick you up at 8. † Brittney: â€Å" Yay, see you later. Rose and Selena are talking about ways they can improve their fashion blog. Rose: â€Å"How about †¦ adding pink on everything? † Selena: â€Å"No, that’ll be too much. Oh, how about adding a little bit of geeky flavor? † Rose: *Talking sarcastic* â€Å"Great idea and we can call it smar ty pants! † Selena: â€Å"Okay, how about we finish tomorrow? † Rose: â€Å"Alright. See You Later. † School is over and Jake and his friend Lucky are at home relaxing. Jake: â€Å"Hey boy!How was your day? † Lucky: â€Å"Woof, Woof! † Jake: â€Å"Yes, I did have a good day. Thank you for asking! † Kimberly and Brooke are at home studying. Brooke: â€Å"Don’t you just love Math? † Kimberly: â€Å"Not really, I don’t like it, I hate it! † Brooke: â€Å"Cheer up, it’s only twenty questions. † Kimberly: â€Å"Ugh! I’m bored, let’s call Rose and Selena. † Brooke: â€Å"Alright† The phone rings and Rose and Selena answer. Rose and Selena in unison: â€Å"Hello? † Kimberly: â€Å"Hey Rose. † Brooke: â€Å"Hey Selena. † Rose and Selena in unison: â€Å"Hey. †Kimberly: â€Å"So did you guys figure something out for your blog? † Rose: â€Å"Not re ally, we can’t think of anything. † Brooke: â€Å"Do you want me to help? † Selena: â€Å"Umm, no thank you! † The next day, all 7 friends are at school. They are sitting at the lunch table eating. Kimberly: â€Å"So Brittney, what are you and your boyfriend going to do since you can’t go to that party? † Brittney: â€Å"We’re going to sneak out and come back before she comes home. † Brooke: â€Å"What if she comes back early? † Brittney: â€Å"Don’t worry, she never comes home early.So Rose and Selena, are you guys still working on your blog? † Rose: â€Å"Yes, we can’t figure out what to do! † Selena: â€Å"Exactly! † The bell rings. That means lunch is over. Brittney: â€Å"There goes my boyfriend, later guys! † Rose: â€Å"We have to run too! † Selena: â€Å"Yeah. † Jake: â€Å"See you guys later! † Kimberly: â€Å"Bye! Come on Brooke, or we’ll be late. † Brooke: â€Å"Not if we run! † Kimberly: â€Å"Ugh! † Brooke: â€Å"Oh how I love school! † Rose and Selena are at Rose’s house for their sleepover they have every weekend.Rose: â€Å"We have never been stuck on a situation before. † Selena: â€Å"Yeah! We got to get it together! † Rose: â€Å"Right after this beauty sleep. † Selena: â€Å"Absolutely. † They both lay down to take their beauty rest until Selena pops up from hers. Selena: â€Å"I got it! Rose wake up! I figured it out! † Rose: *Speaking tiredly* â€Å"Figured what out? † Selena: â€Å"Our blog! † Rose: *Still speaking tiredly* â€Å"Yay. †*Goes back to sleep, then quickly wakes back up and starts talking excitedly* â€Å"Wait you Did? † Selena: â€Å"Yeah! † To Be Continued.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Darkness at Noon

The author shares his experienced tales to grasp the concentration to the preconceived ideas and wrong conclusions of people like people believe that if someone is blind, he could not even hear, speak and hardest part he or she cannot work. The author has got very challenging education and employment despite these difficulties related to their backgrounds and the perception created by the society. The author in his story takes a simple format of telling the society about their society's wrong conclusion about the disable people.But as other stories have some lessons, so this it has, the best lesson that delivers from this is the light of hope that author has in his heart, mind and soul. In this part, the author is very polite and kind and gives message to others that these hardships will not underestimate his hopes and courage. A fable for Tomorrow In the essay â€Å"A Fable for Tomorrow†, Rachel Carson Illustrates a small town in America that was once beautiful but then becam e devastated by exploitation of its resources. Carson states â€Å"this town does not actually exist, but it might easily have a thousand counterparts in America and elsewhere in the world. Carson is one of the pivotal people in the environmental movement of the 1 sass who emphasized that the art was a place to be respected, not destroyed by human greed and activities. This Is the thesis of her essay. The author uses very poetic language to describe the natural beauty of this small American town. She describes the farmland, the roadsides, the forest, and the rivers. Her language creates feelings of nostalgia and an appreciation for the natural world. The town feels like anyplace in the country that someone has visited or lived-the writing Is very personable to the reader.Carson Illustrates a place where all life seemed to live In harmony with Its surroundings. The second half of the essay has a very different tone and feeling about it. Suddenly, a mood of darkness creates a curtain around the town, masking the reader from the once natural beauty that was described before. Carson begins to illustrate how the town became devastated by the loss of its inhabitants to sudden sickness and disease. The farms suffered a loss of crops and animals, all the fish began to die In One of Carbon's main mandates was to warn people against the use of harmful pesticides and the effects of pollution on the environment.The devastation in this essay alludes to the use of pesticides and the pollution that they caused in this small town in America. The deaths within the human, plant, and animal worlds in this small town are not an uncommon situation in many parts of America and the world. Although not all places experience the same amount of devastation as described in this essay, many small towns have been greatly affected by the harmful use of pesticides on their crops. This essay is a very powerful response to human irresponsibility within the environment.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Adapting adult language and interactions Essay

Explain how adapting adult language and interactions can support a child’s behaviour, emotional, social skills, as well as support their communication development The amount and style of adult talk can greatly influence the environment and how accessible it is to children with speech, language or communication needs. Giving children time to process and understand information, and to respond is crucial. By adapting their use of talk in the setting and in particular their level of language, adults can really enhance their learning development as well as supporting their communication skills. Adults can support this through a number of ways. These include: – Focus on what the child is looking at or doing – Follow their lead/ topic of conversation. Encourage children to talk about their own interests at appropriate times. By acknowledging all efforts at communication it shows that the child is valued. This will help build a positive relationship and support the child’s independence and self-confidence. – Get down to the child’s level – It’s easier to talk if you are face to face. Taking it in turns to communicate so that the adult and the child both get a turn talking, giving choices to increase vocabulary, e.g. apple or orange? Build up your child’s sentences by repeating what they say and adding words. If the child says a word inaccurately, acknowledge what they have said and repeat it back ‘once’ correctly. – Use of rhetorical/ open questions and expanding statements – Making sure you use lots of statements and fewer questions. Scaffolding techniques (whereby keywords and phrases are repeated) – Giving children and young people the time needed to respond and process information – Provide opportunities to communicate. – Work one-to-one or in small groups – Give opportunities that facilitate communication with their peers (since social skills and language are inherently deeply rooted). – Letting children work in pairs to encourage listening to each other. – Circle time can help develop listening skills and  better attention. – Use of shorter sentences. – Support what you say with visual cues, gestures, diagrams etc. – Listen and show interest with eye contact, body language etc. – Give positive feedback.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Race and Ethnicity Essay

The list comprised in this article is unfortunately true and eye opening. Many white people are unaware of the natural advantages that are written here. They take it for granted thinking everyone else is also entitled to these rights. Since I am not white, I can clearly see that these are privileges given to whites only. I can even say that I have never experience some of the things written in McIntosh’s list. I disagree with many of these terms. The item on her list that I feel most strongly about is: 10. Whether I use checks, credit cards or cash, I can count on my skin color not to work against the appearance of my financial reliability. People should not relate other’s financial situation based on their skin color. That is very wrong. It has been engraved into people’s minds that all black people are on welfare or food stamps because they don’t work. But that is not true. Just because someone is black does not mean that they are poor and unable to support themselves. If you are judged for walking into a high end store just because of your skin color, that is very unfair. Race and ethnicity does not have anything to do with someone’s financial reliability. Another that I think is unfair is: 12. I can swear, or dress in second hand clothes, or not answer letters, without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, the poverty, or the illiteracy of my race. For the same reason as the previous one, race should not be a factor in the judgment of others. McIntosh sees these are privileges for white only when in fact; it should not be a privilege. Anything written on this list should be given to everyone, regardless of the race. I definitely agree with McIntosh that: whites are taught to think of their lives as morally neutral, normative, and average, and also ideal, so that when we work to benefit others, this is seen as work which will allow â€Å"themâ€Å" to be more like â€Å"us.† The idea of white privilege relates to the themes of white power because it is giving whites an overall advantage in life. White privilege also relates to the themes of white supremacy because it makes them more powerful. Privilege is being of a favored state by birth or luck. If the things stated McIntosh is called privilege, then it is extremely misleading. The idea of white privilege makes them feel confident, comfortable, and oblivious; on the other hand, other groups were likely being made unconfident, uncomfortable, and alienated. White power and white supremacy is all about making white people the most powerful and advantageous, white privilege also supports that.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Adaptation As A Natural Instinct In The Movie Cast Away

Adaptation As A Natural Instinct In The Movie Cast Away Adaptation is a natural instinct that all living beings have, but only to a certain extent. In the movie Cast Away, the protagonist named Chuck Noland, is forced into adapting to an environment, which is nearly impossible to survive on for more than a few weeks. He finds himself stranded on an isolated, tropical island after a disastrous plane crash kills all passengers but him. He remains trapped on the island for four years, and does so with the help of three important things. Initially, it is the picture of his girlfriend Kelly that motivates him to survive to get back to her. Secondly, it is a volleyball named Wilson, which served as a link to society as well as his only friend. Lastly, and the most important aspect which exemplified his adaptation, was his large and crucial character change. A pocket watch Kelly gave him just before his flight tellingly represents his loss and his new understanding. In it he keeps her picture, like a shrine to his hopes for leaving the island. However, the pocket watch no longer keeps the time, because time stands still for Chuck. He has nowhere else to be, no longer a schedule to keep. With Kelly in mind, Chuck strives to survive and adapt to the land in order to get back to Kelly. Although Kelly is rarely seen in the movie, she played a key role in Chucks mind. Her photo was his motivation on the island to survive; it was the last thing he saw before bed, and the first thing he saw when he awoke. Secondly, one of the most notable aspects of the film is the volleyball named Wilson. Wilson was inside a parcel from the plane, and when Chuck discovers it, he immediately connects to it. His lack of human contact causes him to turn to Wilson, the painted with a face as his only friend and he is in constant conversation with it. One of Chucks ways to adapt to his new environment is to allow himself to be comfortable, and regain a sense of recognition. In this case, Wilson plays an important role in keeping Chuck, somewhat, sane during his stay on the island. Taking up conversation with a ball is what many would consider insane, but in Chucks case this is an ideal way to cope with the segregation from the rest of the world. It is Wilson who saves Chuck from insanity by waking up his emotions. Chuck is a man driven by time used to often tell his fellow FedEx employees, Time is our enemy. He didnt even have the time to propose properly to his girlfriend, and its almost as if the movie suggests Chuck has lost a sense of how to put his time to good use. When Chuck lands on the deserted island, he is finally forced to rethink his priorities, and quickly learns that his old value system is inadequate. His main concern is suddenly practical, and his skills in his old life are basically irrelevant to survival in his new one. The isolated setting of the island served as a contrast to the previous hectic world he used to live in. The drastic character change Chuck goes through demonstrates the effect of the island on him. Initially, on the island, he is frustrated when he cannot start a fire, or catch fish. It is clear that he is placed in a world that he is not familiar with, and does not know what to do with himself. As the years pass, he becomes skilled at catching fish, making fires, and even performing dentistry on himself. Basically, Chuck gains the appearance of a cave man, and has dropped half his weight. He has adapted to the island life, although not necessarily content with his new life, he is no longer a blabbering mess. Time was the only thing he had. When he was rescued from the island, he understands he must cherish, and be grateful for his life with Kelly, only to find out she has moved on. Although it took a four-year endurance on a deserted island, Chucks character has gone through a drastic change, and now realizes the importance of life and loved ones. Clearly, there are many factors that lead one to survive such an extraordinary situation as being stranded on an island, and three important things mark Chucks adaptation to his new world. First, Chucks girlfriend helps him through his though ordeal on the island by her presence is his mind and a picture he keeps of her. Another thing that assists in Chucks survival and adaptation is his friend Wilson, the volleyball, by connecting him back to the familiarity of society and his emotions. Finally, through a great change in appearance and character, Chuck shows how adaptation to an unfamiliar world can alter who a person really is. Ultimately, the movie Cast Away is a prime example of human adaptation, and how it can go beyond alls expectations when faced with motivation.Ã ¦

Perspective on the significance of the marea court case in Research Paper

Perspective on the significance of the marea court case in understanding some aspect of the larger world of 17th century Massac - Research Paper Example Regardless of this fact, it is the responsibility of the historian/researcher to accurately depict the situation and not give way to the temptation to only relate the most interesting/salacious aspects of the story due to the fact that these do not help to give the full story and only emphasize the beliefs and actions of those with the most divergent views among the culture/group in question. Although the trials have been mythified and turned into a cultural phenomenon, the fact remains that even though the number of executions were low and the incident was isolated, the prevailing beliefs of that time with relation to how the settlers/Puritan viewed the world in which they lived worked to have a profound effect on how justice was carried out with relation to those supposedly involved in some form or other of conjuring or witchcraft. From the court data as well as the other primary and secondary data that can be analyzed, it is clear that many factors greatly impeded the case against Marea as it relates to her trial for murder of her own newborn infant. As such, the purpose of this analysis is not to provide a firm case for or against her guilt in the situation; that much should be obvious. Instead, the purpose is to carefully review some of the statements made by the deponents with relation to those testified to Marea’s innocence/guilt. ... the ways in which these deponents related the information they had come across, the level to which these influences are exhibited in the testimony provides ample evidence of how information was interpreted, accepted by the court, and acted upon based upon the biases of the individuals responsible for providing such testimony and the jurors beliefs as they related to the understanding and application of this knowledge. As such, the individual depositions contained strong references the beliefs in here say as tantamount to proof. This was so prevalent throughout many of the testimonies that if it were extent in a courtroom of our time it would clearly be disregarding as a clear abrogation of justice. However, to the individuals involved in the case during the sixteenth century such cultural, social, and religious norms were perfectly accepted both in society and within the court as a defining merit of their unique and peculiar society. Such inclusion of here say as a type of circumstan tial evidence is noted in many court cases of the same period.2 The first of these testimonies is that of Thomas Drake. Of all the testimonies, Thomas Drakes is interesting in that it does not make any of the broad sweeping stereotypical judgments that the other deponents make in their testimony. Thomas Drakes testimony can be seen as rambling and inclusive of a lot of unnecessary facts; however, the fact remains that he appears to present the most impartial and non-aligned view of those that were sampled in the testimony that is available to draw inference upon. Although it cannot be asserted definitively, it is interesting to question whether Thomas Drake was originally born in the colonies or was one of the first settlers due to the fact that his age at the time of the testimony puts

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The 3 women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight Term Paper

The 3 women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Term Paper Example Due to social and economic conditions, their equation was drastically imbalanced, and Sir Gawain entered to fill in the vacuum, through this literary masterpiece. He was a strong supporter of feudal hierarchies and opposed the progressive changes vehemently. The women can build or break the society. This story is no exception to that premises. Any philosophical/spiritual text deals with the pair of opposites. In this poem the contending forces, the opposing forces, the forces that do not see eye to eye with each other are Virgin Mary on the one side and Bertilak’s wife on the other side. The former is the prototype of noble qualities like obedience, chastity, and spiritual life. The latter is for disobedience, courtly love, lust and decay and death of human values. According to the Gawain poet, the ascendancy of chivalry over religious values does not augur well for the well-being of the society. The society when it adopts such values will head for destruction. Traditional religious values must get the first honor. Feudal system gives solid support to this aspect. The poem has a strong ideological base, though it reads like the romantic celebration of chivalry. Not all agree with this viewpoint. William Goldhurst (1958) writes, â€Å"As I see it, the major theme of Gawain and the Green Knight is the idea that the primitive and sometimes brutal forces of nature make known their demands to all men, even to those who would take shelter behind the civilized comforts of court life.†(p.61)To understand this properly, one has to grasp the religious values of Christianity prevailing in the fourteenth century. Chivalry of Gawain needs to be evaluated from that context. Christian religious values vs. chivalry, as per the accepted values then, did not see eye to eye with each other. The agreement between them on any issue was rare. Strong differences persisted as for the worth of human bravery as compared to love of God. As

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ku Klux Klan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Ku Klux Klan - Research Paper Example The original name of the club was from the Greek word Kuklos meaning ‘for circle and cycle are formed’. The confederates later modified the word to Kuklux adding the word clan at the end since all the founders were of Scottish descent. Kuklux Clan became the name of the organization, later it was divided into three words and a ‘K’ used for each word. The name therefore changed to Ku Klux Klan. There are other suggestions about the origin of the name. Romine states that members of the Klan could have become familiar with the mythology of the ‘God of Light’ who was called Cukulcan since many volunteer troops went to the Mexican War from Tennessee and members of the early Klan sometimes called themselves the sons of light(Quarles 32). Another story told that the name did not come from a Greek word meaning circle but from the two phased cocking sound of a shotgun. Many different stories have been told and written creating mystery about the organizat ion which later came to be known as the ‘Invisible Empire’. The six former confederate members met in the law office of Judge Thomas M. Jones located eighty miles south of Nashville in Pulaski, south central Tennessee. One of the town’s prewar buildings has a plaque marking the occasion. The Klan is an American institution though it has been exported to other lands by racists. The formation of the club was not a major historical event; the group was informally constituted during the first meeting. Directing and planning of the Klan activities began later as further meetings developed goals and objectives, leadership titles were chosen and organizational rules instituted (Quarles 30). All evidence supports the fact that the founding of the Klan was innocent with no ulterior motive or effect. Many scholars also believe that the beginning was innocent; this is because of the tricks that the early Klansmen performed. The first noted activity of the Klan was that it was a brotherly association. Some members used childish methods of pursuing victims. The original purpose of the young confederate veterans was to scare black adults and cause trouble as an amusing way of passing time in a southern society that was altered and a destroyed economy. Klansmen dressed in white sheets and covered their horsemen in the same way. The Ku Klux Klan members believed that racial integration and racial equality of society was a threat and could destroy the white race. The Klan opposed public policies that promote social and political equality for historically disadvantaged groups like the blacks through antidiscrimination laws and affirmative action. Their beliefs were that the nature of mankind is unequal therefore hierarchical. Ku Klux Klan members described themselves as white Protestant Christians. Their primary objection was initially against blacks’ freedom and extension of rights to include blacks. This was after slavery in the United States was brought to an end. In terms of their strength in the political history of th e United States, the Klan has had three specific periods. The first Klan blossomed in the South in

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

About Destination Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

About Destination Management - Assignment Example It is the home for most of the national as well as the international based organisations and is also considered to be a significant commercial centre. It has been ascertained that millions of tourist visit London every year. It is worth mentioning that number of famous attractions dwells in the city. Amongst these Big Ben, Tower Bridge, London Eye, Houses of Parliament, Tower of London and Buckingham Palace among others are the few world renowned places that are located in the city. Apart from these, numerous events are also conducted in the city annually. The city has a good transportation system. It is regarded as among the safest destinations for visitors (Visit England, 2013).Correspondingly, this paper primarily intends to describe the emergence of destination development along with relating various theories and concepts to the city of London. 2. The Emergence of Destination Development and Consideration of Sustainable/Responsible Tourism Development A destination is duly regard ed as an area of tourist appeal which comprises attractions and accommodations along with support services. In other words, it can be regarded as a physical boundary embrace with distinctive images as well as qualities that provides a brand identity to a particular location recognisable by potential visitors (Visit England, 2013). The aspect of destination development is often considered to be a central theme especially from tourism perspective. It is worth mentioning that emergence of destinations, government policies, impact of development and marketing issues among others are the vital components that play an imperative role in destination development. It is strongly stated that a destination possesses the capability to motivate visitors to travel by and entail activities of interest to accommodate wherein visitors feel safe and secure. At the same time, shortage of tourism resources, obstructionist role often play by governments, inadequate infrastructure and ineffective promoti on are the primary determinants for destination development (Henderson, 2006). It is firmly stressed that destination development has viable influence on the notion of sustainable development. Broadly speaking, tourism activity considerably contributes towards the development as well as the growth of a particular location. It can be affirmed that sustainable development has greater interrelation with destination development. Correspondingly, destination development is accompanied with various significant factors such as quality environment, social interaction, cultural distinctiveness, security and welfare of visitors and host communes (European Commission, 2007). Thus, destination development is viewed as an important tool driven with economic development along with enhancing the quality life of tourists as well as host communities. 3. Application of Theories to the City Of London a. Stage of Development The mounting demand of national along with international visitors for spending their holidays has resulted in rapid development of tourist destinations. In order to understand the destination development stage, it is crucial to adopt the model propagated by R. W. Butler. According to Butler (1980), the development of a particular destination typically passes through six major sequences or phases. These stages can be identified as exploration, involvement, development, consolidation, stagnation and decline or rejuvenation (Butler, 1980). Diagrammatic representation of the aforementioned stages of destination development has been illustrated below. Source: (Butler, 1980). With this concern, it can be apparently observed that the city of

Monday, September 9, 2019

Diagnostic Assessment of an Arabic Speaker Essay

Diagnostic Assessment of an Arabic Speaker - Essay Example From this study it is clear that the big number of vowels in the English language increases the chances of wrongly pronouncing English words by native Arabic speakers whose first language has lesser vowels. As such, some vowels in English and their corresponding sounds might not exist in Arabic. A good example is Shouq’s pronunciation of ‘can’ as ‘cen’. The ‘a’ sound in such a word is not found in Arabic, and anyone who borrows from their Arabic vowels to read English words will make this pronunciation error. Another word that she pronounced wrongly according to this error is ‘hard’ which sounded like ‘hed’. Moreover, the word ‘that’ was pronounced as ‘thet’.This paper highlights that  Arabic speakers have the problem of replacing ‘t’ with ‘d’ in a word regardless of whether it appears in the middle, start or end of the word. An example is the word ‘nati ve’ that Shouq pronounced as ‘nadive’. This interchanging of ‘t’ and ‘d’ is also evident in the word ‘factor’. Being a native Arabic speaker, Shouq pronounces this word as ‘facdor’, putting a ‘d’ in the place of a ‘t’. An example of such an error occurring at the beginning of a word is with the pronunciation of the word ‘telephone’ which tends to sound like ‘delephone’. This segmental error that is common among native Arabic speakers learning English as a second language is due to the placement of the tongue when pronouncing the words.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special schools Essay

Factors affecting learners behaviour in Gauteng Special schools - Essay Example The challenges of intellectual disabilities, especially in their early stages, have become a priority because of the initial intangibility of the problems. Indeed, the multifaceted and multilateral aspects of intellectual disabilities are not only complex by nature, but they also need socio-psychological interventions to understand and interpret. In addition, the behavioral problems of pupils with intellectual disabilities is an important issue that needs to be looked at from the wider perspective of social development. While the special schools are doing commendable work for these learners, the increasingly worsening behaviour of pupils with developmental disabilities has become a major concern. Special teaching methods to promote learning are needed, as are behaviour plans both to monitor and to assess behaviour, and to develop coping strategies for both teacher and student so that learning can occur. Thus, the research would focus on identifying factors that affect learnersâ€℠¢ behaviour in the special schools, especially in Gauteng, South Africa. 2.Keywords: severe intellectual disability, special school, inclusive education, support system, learning disability, social model of discussion. 3.Background Intellectual disability can be described as a ‘learning difficulty that is characterized by limitations in various skill areas. These may include limitations in self-care, daily living, social interaction, judgment and self-direction (IHC Inc;Philosophy and Policy 1996:p5). Some forms of intellectual disability, i.e. severe autism, become evident in early childhood. Other forms take longer, and may manifest at school age (Notbohm, 2005, preface). In contemporary times, the concept of disability has moved beyond the constraints of the medical terminology and has embraces a socially relevant stance, keeping the needs of the learners as the main objective in all their policies and plans. Terzi (2004) believes that the social model is a powerful and imp ortant reminder for people at large to face issues of inclusion vis-a-vis persons with disabilities. Inclusion of the disadvantaged population, he believes, is a fundamental as well as a moral issue. World Health Organization (2005) reports that people with disabilities are important contributors to society, and that allocating resources to their rehabilitation would be an investment. Hence, measures that support their integration into mainstream society become highly pertinent issues within the development agenda of nations. The inclusion of disabled students can be broadly described as efforts to increase the participation of children with disability in the school by expanding course curricula to incorporate their needs (Booth & Ainscow, 1998). Thus, inclusion ensures that students with special needs are provided with opportunities to imbibe education and become capable of contributing to the society as a whole. In inclusion, students with special needs are integrated into the mai nstream school without much changes within the school environment (Minto, 2007; Mittler, 2000). The special schools in South Africa have shown great determination to promote education amongst children and adults with disabilities. There have been significant reforms in the education system with the National Education Policy Act of 1996 and the South