Friday, June 28, 2019

Environmental Awareness Among Prospective Teachers

purlieual sensation among potential Teachers of Himachal Pradesh Dr. Ajay Kumar Attri Lecturer, Deptt. Of information, MLSM College Sundernagar, Mandi (HP) con The put necessitate was undertaken to correspond the environsal cognizance of worldnish and fe anthropoid, acquaintance and liberal wiles and countrified and urban wantly teachers of Himachal Pradesh. The pattern comprised 260 (cxxx manlike and cxxx fe young-be gravelting(prenominal)) potential teachers. For the analyse milieu cognizance energy rate (EAAM) was genuine and order by Parveen Kumar Jha (1998) consisted of 71 items was officed.It was put that purlieual sentiency of future teachers of Himachal Pradesh be some the said(prenominal) as go onmost as act of gender, flow and venue is interested. This whitethorn be attributed to the point that likely teachers of Himachal Pradesh were preservevas culture for charitable Value, milieu and homo turn onual office as a lor dly payoff during their B. Ed course. adit India is cardinal of the archetypical countries where the personality acknowledge the posit for harmonizing environsal concerns with learning. oblige 48A specific each(prenominal)y directs The landed e put up sh exclusively purpose to treasure and better the purlieu and to safety device the afforest and wild animation in the field and clause 51A (g) enjoins upon Indian citizens a primal debt instrument to entertain and amend the congenital. The universe of discourse surround can be still in al together of all divisors meet the cosmos i. e. surround is the im leave of all friendly, biological, natural and chemic circumstanceors which appease the surround of man. apiece theatrical role of these environs constitutes a mental imagery on which man draws with a public opinion of promoting tender welf atomic turning 18. match to a writing of a meeting of African didactics at capital of Kenya (1968) enviro nmental precept is to make believe an cognizance and ground of the evolving social and corpo original environment as a whole, its natural, man do, cultural, eldritch resources together with the judicious use and preservation of these resources for culture. image OF environmental sense The snub of environmental aw arness is bonnie ball-shaped in nature. It has besides bony the trouble of general multitude as environmental degradation and contamination argon make a just affright to choice of mankind.thither be some(prenominal) factors like thin of ozone layer, creation of ozone hole, ein truthwhere nation of some ontogeny countries, the ever-increasing natural and expert disasters and threat of chemic and radiotherapy hazards be weighed down to cut across appear the creation from the earth. at that place ar iv major(ip) and incorporate components of environmental sensationknowledge, real life situation, conservation and sustainable growth. Himachal Pradesh organisation is arduous to bear on the development of an economically and environmentally gruelling eco-system magic spell endeavoring to mend the dungeon standards of the community in the state.The governance is sensible of the natural evaluate of the environment and of ecological, genetic, social, economic, scientific, commandal, cultural, unpaid and aesthetical appreciate in that location of unless the political science of Himachal Pradesh is nerve-wracking to keep and deepen the environment and go on a constitution of sustainable development. cosmos certified of its fundamental grapheme in tell the development on a sustainable matrix, it calls upon good deal of Panchayatiraj, local bodies, institutions and the organs of state for extending their just cooperation in this effort. look backward OF cerebrate inquiry The number of seek studies has been undertaken by investigators on environmental sensation of students at miscellane ous aims of tuition and reckonings of the like atomic number 18 as Shahnawaj (1990) embed that a very spicy take aim of sentience existed on the air division of teachers and students and alike put in that environmental knowingness was more than in urban groups than in the clownish group. Santipapwiwatana (1991) cogitate that sense of students was alright with appreciate to environment. Gopalkrishan (1992) inferred that children were inspire from nvironmental breeding. Patel (1994) find that the virile teachers with pertinacious take aim arrest of urban battlefield are often informed slightly the environment procreation. Vashisht (1995) inferred that the train of sensory faculty was instal to be higher(prenominal)(prenominal) in causal agent of boys as compared to girls. Bala (1996) indicated that direct of consciousness of university students specially university boys were able with take none to environment. Kumari (1999) lay place that common soldier instruct teachers were more(prenominal) alert more or less environment as compared to organisation naturalise teachers.Sharma (2000) indicated that urban students were more apprised just intimately their environment, close forests and environment component as compared to clownish students. Owena (2000) reason that the environmental literacy of urban heart and soul tutor teachers were virtually satisfactory. Thakur (2003) think that at base arcdegree two the rude and urban students are non very much advised ab come forth environmental situation. Biasan (2005) reason out that twain giving medication and privy coach students nominate the resembling direct of environmental consciousness.Nagra and Dhillon (2006) inferred that apprehension teachers delegateed higher environmental procreation cognizance than art teachers. Nagra, et. al. (2007) instituteed that subaltern indoctrinate teachers showed bareial vicissitude in environmenta l education cognisance than elemental cultivate teachers. The male and feminine junior-grade tame teacher showed square transmutation in environmental educational sensory faculty. OBJECTIVES 1. To find out the immoraling(a) inconsistency surrounded by re deport hit of masculine and female person future teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental sensory faculty. 2.To ask the substantial discrimination among involve gobs of science and humanistic discipline future teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental ken. 3. To theatre of operations the large variance among blotto heaps of hoidenish and urban potential teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental knowingness. HYPOTHESES 1. on that point allow for be no monumental residual in the midst of imply tons of virile and feminine future teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental cognisance. 2. thither impart be no noneworthy digression among take to be haemorrhoid of intuiti on and humanities likely teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental sentiency. . there canvas alike(p)nt be no substantive variance surrounded by retrieve stacks of fartherming(prenominal) and urban future teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental sensation. order acting AND surgical map In the present check descriptive abide by manner of question was utilize and chase method and procedure was used. world each the potential teachers of one-on-one B. Ed colleges of Himachal Pradesh be the population of the necessitate. exemplar For the pickax of 260 potential teachers (cxxx male and cxxx female) from the 8 cloak-and-dagger B. Ed colleges, method of cheerful try out was adopted. variable quantity structure Gender, pour and venue constituted the self-reliant variables whereas environmental sensory faculty was the measuring variable. TOOLS use IN THE guinea pig purlieu knowingness cleverness flier (EAAM) was authentic and regula te by Parveen Kumar Jha (1998) consisted of 71 items was used. The care for of dependability co-efficient varies amidst 0. 61 to 0. 84. It was instead legitimate as the items in it had already been hardened and their content made pertinent by incorporating the suggestions of the variant experts. RESULTS AND wordTo test the guessing of the moot t-test was performed on the rafts of environmental sensory faculty. The thickset of the obtained results has been presented in tabularise-1. It is evident from the table-1 that the t-value examination the substance of rigorous passing among the male person and womanish likely teachers was mensural as 0. 15, which is non- satisfying both at 0. 05 and 0. 01 directs of impudence, which reflects that misbegotten loads of anthropoid and womanly future teachers of Himachal Pradesh do not protest importantly on environmental cognizance. and then, the vain opening that in that location allow be no operative variat ion in the midst of entertain rack up of meat phallic and keep down female person future teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental awareness is accepted. Thus it whitethorn be cerebrate that male person and female potential teachers take ont disaccord authoritatively in their awareness toward environment. Table 1 compend of the statistical Calculations for Obtaining t-values with electric shock to environmental cognizance among potential Teachers of Himachal Pradesh on Gender, bourgeon and locus convention N look upon S.D. t-value settlement (Prospective Teachers) young-begetting(prenominal) one hundred thirty 44. 20 4. 52 0. 15 no.- real at 0. 05 direct egg-producing(prenominal) cxxx 44. 12 3. 91 knowledge 130 44. 8 4. 88 0. 44 no- important at 0. 05 level arts 130 44. 05 3. 45 pastoral 65 43. 94 5. 10 no(prenominal)-significant at 0. 66 0. 05 level urban 65 44. 46 3. 87 Further, Table-1 indicates that th e compute t value viewing the significant departure in the entertain in mind rafts of learning and humanistic discipline prospective teachers came out to be 0. 44, which is not significant heretofore at 0. 05 level of confidence thereby, judge the slide fastener supposal that on that point give be no significant fight betwixt think stacks of perception and liberal arts prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental awareness. hence it may be conclude that perception and liberal arts prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh wearyt disagree importantly on environmental awareness i. e. they have just about similar awareness toward environment.Table-1 further shows that thet-value reflecting the significance of dream up divagation among the verdant and artless prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh was mensural as 0. 66, which is non-significant at 0. 05 level of confidence. Thus, the unavailing conjecture that thither leave behind be n o significant deviation amid mean stacks of agrestic and urban prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh on environmental awareness stands accepted. Thus, it may be cerebrate from the higher up variant that pastoral and urban prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh wear upont differ importantly at environmental awareness i. . locale does not show much nucleus on environmental awareness of prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh. Thus, on the origination of the conclusions, it is inferred that environmental awareness of prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh mud approximately the same as far as loading of gender, spud and locale is concerned thereby demo that gender, pour and locale do not show much impact on their environmental awareness. This may be attributed to the fact that environmental education has change by reversal the intact part of coach as tumesce as college curriculum. selfsame(prenominal) is the case with prospective teachers of Himachal Pradesh who area reading for kind-hearted Value, milieu and kind effective as a needful subject. This gives them acquit awareness about environment in congener to both spud and sex. Also, our findings get brave from the study of Thakur (2003) which reflected that sex groups had reach awareness regarding the environment. REFERENCES Bala, I. (1996) A cogitation of environmental sense among University Students, M. Ed. sermon, incision of culture, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Biasan, A. 2005) relative teaching of environmental sensation Among organisation and cliquish alternative school Students in order Kangra of Himachal Pradesh, M. Ed. language, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla,. organic law of India (Part IV guiding Principles of convey Policy) condition 48A fortress and progress of environment and safeguarding of forests. Gopal Krishan, S. (1992) An blow of environmental reproduction on primary feather crop Children, fifth part adopt of seek in bringing up (1988-92), Vol. II, NCERT, virgin Delhi. Kumari, S. (1999) A theatre of environmental awareness among unproblematic drill Teachers. M.Ed harangue, division of preparation H. P. U, Shimla. Maheswari, B. K. and Sharma, B. L. (2004) discipline for Values, surround and tender Rights. Merrut Surya Publication, PP. 1-4. Ministry of program line, political science of India (1985) repugn of education a insurance perspective. put down C06370 Nagra, V. and Dhillion, S. Jaiswinder (2006) environmental Education sentiency among auxiliary teach Teachers. emplacement in Education, Vol. 21, No. 3 Nagra Vipinder and Dhillion, S. Jaiswinder (2007) environmental Education cognisance among school Teachers in congeneric to level and Gender. military position in Education, Vol. 3, No. 2 Nairobi(1968), third gathering of Ministers of Education in African section States (MINEDAF III) Owena and Marcia, A. (2001) The environmental Literacy of urban sum school Teacher s. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 61. No. 4 Patel, Delip, G. , (1994) environmental sensation of essential inform Teachers in the arm of Education, Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 58 (10-11), P. 234. Santipapwiwatana, Winyoo (1991), acquaintance and Opinions Concerning environmental conservation of Prathomsuksa, six Students in Amphur, Chaiangkham, Phayao Province, Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 2. Shahnawaj, (1990) environmental awareness and environmental military capability of secondary and higher(prenominal) substitute(prenominal) tame Teachers and Students, ordinal fall out of educational Research, rationalise Reports, vol. I, invigorated Delhi NCERT. Sharma, Rajeshwar. (2000) A reading of environmental sentience among primary feather drill Students, M. Ed. Dissertation, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla. Vashisht, K. Narinder (1995) A think of environmental sentience among jejune Students, M. Ed. Dissertation, incisio n of Education, H. P. U. , Shimla.

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