Sunday, July 28, 2019

Research Plan---What is globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Research Plan---What is globalization - Essay Example Globalization is the process of globalizing, which involves global integration guided by multicultural interactions, trade, migration, and worldviews. Globalization is an interesting topic owing to its complex nature that determines economic and political emancipation and the effects it has had on the environment. For instance, I would like to know the ramifications of globalization on Yellowstone Park, a famous national park, and the reduction of its effects. Thousands of earthquakes affect Yellowstone Park every year, an issue attributable to globalization. The influx of tourists and visitors has increased pollution in the region, for instance, water pollution, traffic jam, and park litter. In addition, there is an increase in crime levels in terms of drug abuse and defacement. Encroachment of wildlife habitats and poaching are other globalization effect of interest that will like to research on. Paragraph 2: In the second paragraph, please answer the question â€Å"what do I want to know more about and what kind of sources will I need?† Make sure these are issue questions (Ex: Does snowmobiling actually cause environmental damage?). To provide context, please as information questions (Ex: Where is Yellowstone Park located?) as well. I would like to know more about the environmental ramifications of globalization. For this information, I will require peer-reviewed sources with extensive and substantiated research information, in addition to relevant books. My research questions

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