Monday, August 19, 2019

Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 Essay -- Papers History Yom K

Investigation of the Yom Kippur War 1973 In this investigation one will find the long term and short term causes of the Yom Kippur war. This was achieved by reading various sources about the war and the events that were prior to the war. Thus for this investigation the research question is called "what were the causes of the Yom Kippur war of 1973." By researching about the war one came across various sources some very reliable and some not so dependable thus the evaluation of sources shows how reliable and valuable the investigation's two main sources are. From each source of the sources one took the liberty of extracting relevant information about the war thus all the events that were related to the war are shown in the summary of evidence section. Finally, the analysis and conclusion part of the investigation came about by taking all the evidence into account and analyzing each cause, and then making an over all conclusion relating to all the causes, analysis, and the whole investigation. SUMMARY OF EVIDENCE: The causes of the Yom Kippur war one can date it back all the way to November 2 1917. This day was the day when the British assured the Jews that in Palestine they would gain a national home which they could call as their own. The British assured the Jews this by issuing the Balfour Declaration ( However, the day Israel gained its own state on May 15 1948 the majority of the Arabs felt insecure and unjust. Thus, the Arabs on the same day declared war on the newly Jewish state of Israel, which in the end the Israelis managed to win; one can say that this is another long term cause of the Yom Ki... ...e a state of their own which they could call home. This mainly due to prevent another holocaust from occurring again, thus the birth place of Judaism was given to the Jews as their own state, Israel was created. However, the Palestinians and the Arab nations surrounding Israel obviously were not pleased with this, thus Nasser's plans of putting aggression policies towards Israel were widely accepted in the region. Even though Nasser had failed over and over to achieve his aim of throwing out the Jewish state in an Arab "ocean" the Middle East. Thus after, Nasser had died his aggressive policies had given Israel a negative impression, thus when Sadat came to power his peaceful solutions were neglected, therefore Sadat's impatience got the best of him and thus he declared war on Israel and started off the Yom Kippur war.

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