Monday, August 19, 2019

Setting Up A Dummy Corporation :: Get Rich Quick

How to get anything you ever wanted for free... The "system" is a series of checks and balances. It's an insiders club and unless you know the rules or are willing to break them, you'll probably never have a pot to piss in. Not.... Where does it say, we have to put up with, read about or watch on TV, the exploits of people like Donald Trump, Robin Leach or one of the "Kennedy's". Personally, I'm tired hearing about all their bullshit. Who gives a shit what Hillary or Tipper are wearing either? When people like "The Donald" make a poor business investment and can't pay their bills on time, what do they do? They renegotiate. Yep, that's right. They tell the bank "I can't pay" but I'm such a fabulous person you should renegotiate my loan. Bullshit! How fast do you think the bank would have you or me out on our ass? In record time, right? Money is power and unless you have money you're powerless right? Not... Money is an illusion. Power is an illusion. Both are projected by cunning and affluent people and organizations to get what they want. And, if they can't pay for it, they go bankrupt or renegotiate. Why should they have all that luxury and not us? Hell, I can default on a loan as well as any of them! Almost every company in America will ship you goods on credit if you project the right image, ask the right questions and have the right answers...People will kiss your ass if they think you have great wealth. The best resturants will seat you "up front" if they think "you're a player". Why not? Sounds good to me... Is this method for acquiring material things legal? Hell no! But half the shit Big Brother does to us everyday isn't legal either...Want to ride around town in a big black imported car for free? How about a brand new Pentium computer for the office? The kids want Mopeds? Nooooooo problem! Pay attention. Picking a company name... What's in a name? Business wise it could mean everything...if you want to get over. It also has a lot to do with what you want to acquire for free. Let's say you want to start a new business and need all-types of office equipment. You could call yourself "Sal's Pizzeria" but that wouldn't wash too well when you're trying to establish a $100,000 line of credit. Most credit managers will dump the application in the round file and require COD cash. Not the best choice of names. How about something like Tri-Star Industries Intl or RCA Electronics?

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